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I woke up with a killer head ache I raised up and got my phone to see what time it was it was already 12:00 I'm supposed to be meeting Alec at 1:00 I get up and get some medicine and then grabbed some clothes and took a shower as I was in the shower I was thinking what happened last night? Then it all came flood back into my mind Alec had kissed me last night today sure is going to be awkward I hurried and finished my shower and walk down stairs to find Alec siting at the table which I didn't wanna talk to him at the moment so I quietly head back up stairs just as I was about to head up Stairs I hear

I know your there Magnus Alec said

Damn he caught me  hi I said awkwardly

We can leave now if you want Alec said

Okay I said walking by him to get my coat and put my shoes on since he already had everything on it didn't take long for us to get out the door into his car

So I'm guessing your going to want to talk about last night? Alec then asked

Yeah I actually do why exactly did you kiss me? I thought you had a girlfriend or something?

No I don't have a girlfriend or something and I kissed you because I like you Alec then said very calmly what? I did asked surprise

I like you that's why I held you hand at the movies and kissed you I wouldn't have done that for nothing he then said

I... I don't know what to say I then say

Don't say anything he said

But.. I started to say something but then same Familiar lips crashed on to mine again but this to I kissed back within seconds this kiss that I thought was just a simple kiss turned into a 5 minute make out session in till I finally pulled back

That was great I said siting back in my chair

IT was amazing Alec then said

So where dose this leave us? I the ask

Well I mean do you want to be my boyfriend? He the asked

Well I don't quite know I'm just kidding of course I would and then the same lips as before crashed back into my lips it's was honestly amazing feeling and I don't think I would ever feel anything more real

Okay sorry for not begging active for the last month I've just been stressed with school and plus I was on holiday with my family for Christmas so sorry bout that but anyways imma try to update maybe every week but anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter I love you all as always💖  

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