The kiss?

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The way home was silent other than the radio which was playing from a random cd he put in I was completely confused as why he held my hand in the movies but I didn't ask him I didn't think it was the right time but we soon arrived at the house I started to walk into the house but got pulled back

Wh...What are you...Before I could finish what i was saying a pair of lips crashed into mine I was in complete shock it didn't take me long to realize what was happening I then kissed back before I knew it I was pined up against the wall and the kids got even more faster before I let the kiss get that serious I pulled away

So I said looking up at him since he was literally 6 inches taller than me

Yeah well that just happened he said looking down at me since I was so short

Well imma go in because it's cold talk later? I said as I started walking in the house

Yeah talk later he said as I walked in the house what just happened did he just kiss me? I have no words I walked in

Hey Magnus my dad said as I walked by the kitchen

Hey I don't feel good do you mind if I got lay down I said looking at my dad

Go a head son I hope your not sick Because I have plans for us meaning me you and your sister he said I'll bring you some medicine

That's okay dad I just have a small head ache I said heading toward my room

I lay there thinking about what happened as I slowly drifted to sleep

Okay I am so sorry it took me so long to update this and that it's so short I've been so busy with school and I've been sick with the flu still am sick with the flu but I love you all as always and hopefully I can update it more recently since finals are over

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