He Came...

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I was in a meeting with Ben and Charlie when a super came into my office with an envelope with a grey-ish seal.

I looked up. His blue-green mask looked down at me. His eyes black as night. "What's this?", My voice (I hope) nonchalant. (Sounded smart now did I?)

He answered," Flaming Spark, this is a message from the rest of the board. They gave me instructions to hand it to you". He placed it on the table and disappeared. Just, poof. Like a fluffy little cloud. Or...like cotton candy. Ooooh, Cotton candy...so fluffy and soft...

(AWWW SNIKERDOODLES Coal get back on topic).

I looked at the letter donned with the SHC seal. What could they possibly want? And does it have to be RIGHT now?.

I sighed.

"Well?  Aren't you gonna open it?", Charlie asked earnestly.

I looked up at him. "No. I am just gonna sit here staring at it. And ponder what could POSSIBLY be inside of it.", I answered. 

From the corner, I saw Ben trying to stifle a laugh. But I wasn't focused on him, I was still looking at Charlie. He turned red slightly, but I could see the corners of his mouth twitching. "Just open it. SPARKY ", he was full on smiling now.

I just glared at him. He knows that I HATE that nickname. But I turned my focus from him and back to the letter, something was just off. I opened it and slowly pulled out the cream coloured letter and read it. My eyes went wide.

I dropped the letter on the table and jumped up.

Charlie and Ben exclaimed in surprise and jumped up after me. I turned to the door of my office an ran towards it. Out the door and into the council room.

Jaden' s P.O.V.

I felt the air rip past my face as I was falling from the sky. I had TOLD Scarlett that the trajectory was off on her machine. But she DIDN'T listen.

Now I was falling at 300 mph, from 10,000 feet into who knows where in whatsit state. I turned to face the ground. Bad idea. Even for me, the sight of solid concrete hurtling at me at the speed of a jetplane was NOT an enticing sight.

I prepared myself for impact. When I hit the ground, I bounced a couple times than skidded into a wall.

"Oooohhh", I groaned. I felt like I had been hit repeatedly with a sledgehammer. That within itself was an improvement.

My gold and black super suit was torn in a couple of places. But it had already started its self regeneration. My skin started healing from where it had been torn. My Kaleidoscope eyes darted around trying to get my bearings.

I was currently inside of an alley. Trash was thrown like a tornado had flown around. Or an estranged super had fallen from the sky.

( Oh wait.....)

I stood up. Completely healed and started to walk. With only a slight limp.

(Ow. Ow. OW!)

I walked out to the side walk and looked both ways, (safety first), and walked across the street.

I made it to the other side, looked around again, and teleported to the nearest Super hero HQ.

Ben's P.O.V

Watching Coal rush towards the council room like a madman gave me the sense that the letter was urgent. I had to sprint to keep up with him. When I caught up (after stumbling several times) I caught up to him. "COAL!", I screamed. He didn't even flinch. I had to scream his name several times before he even acknowledged my presence. (By the way, Char was about 5 feet behind us panting like a tired puppy). "What Ben?", he said while STILL running.

"Why are you in such a rush?", I asked. Coal shot me a look of exasperation. He was getting REALLY good at those, "What's so urgent that you have to go NOW?".

 He stopped and looked at me. His eyes hinting at annoyance and is that excitement? Why is he excited? What was there to be excited about?

"They found something, or rather something found them." He turned around and started running. Again. I could hear Charlie groan. I let him catch up to me. We looked at each other for a second. Than I looked away and ran. "REALLY BEN?!?!?" I smirked but I didn't look back.

Hey everybody!!!! *Ahem*. Hey everyone! I know that I said I'd drop this chapter three weeks ago? Well I am sorry. From now on I'll try to be more...reliable? Is that the word? I think so. Well, enjoy. 😁😁

Oh and all you B.C. readers, (yeah I know your there) I DID get permission from Penny to write this story. With some more drastic cliffhangers AND more twists and turns. So as I said before.....

Big City: Destinies CollideDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora