[Chapter 8] Art Room

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The next day Wonho and I walked into school and i could feel the death stares from a mile around. Maybe it was what i was wearing, but in reality it was probably the fact that i was walking next to the schools bad boy, and he didn't have his arm around me whispering sweet nothings.

"Why is everyone staring?"

"They stare everyday, don't worry." Wonho walked off and went to stand with his friends, i knew this wouldn't last long.

"See ya, i guess."

I went to my locker and started pulling out my books for the lessons later that day when i suddenly heard a guy yelling.


"Dude whatever, you got your girl back, go sleep with other girls while lying to her again."

I saw wonho with the same guy from the other day when he broke it off with his now ex. He had pushed Wonho and i could tell something was going to happen, considering a circle had started to form around them.


"OOOOOOOHHHHHH." The group of people surrounding them cooed at the same time. I tried to push my way through the group of people to see what was happening, but it was no use.

"Whatever i have other stuff to do, i don't see why you're so interested in me anyway." From what i could tell he tried to walk away but the guy pulled him back.

"See, you're not even denying it dickhead."

Next thing i heard there was smack of skin, and silence, i prayed that guy didn't punch Wonho, but then Wonho walked out of the group or people. Why would i expect anything less.

"GET BACK HERE YOU!" The guy started to run after Wonho.

"Quick come with me." Wonho grabbed my hand and we ran as the guy came after us.

"Hwan get back here." Wonho's ex called, at least we knew what his name was now.

We finally ran around a corner and stopped inside the art room,Hwan kept running. For once people weren't there. We were standing in there trying to catch our breath back when i noticed a cut on his face.

"What happened? I thought you punched him?"

"Oh i did." Wonho stood back up taking his hands of his thighs.

"Then how did you get this?" I pointed towards his face.

"Get what?"

"This." I touched his where the little cut was which made him flinch, "Calm down i'm not going to hurt you, hold on."

In my old school i used to spend time in the art room a lot and from what i can remember the first aid kit was kept in the cupboard above the sink.

"It should be somewhere in here.." I had climbed up a little step ladder and started to look through the cupboard.

"What should be?" Wonho came up behind me and put his hands around my waist.

"Umm. What are you doing?.." I could tell my face had started to go red.

"Making sure you don't fall, now what are you looking for?"

"Aren't you afraid-"

"What? That people will see? Everyone already thinks we're dating."

"What?" I turned around to face wonho whose face was now straight across from mine.

"Why do you think Hwan was yelling at me?"

"I dont know.."

"Because the whole school thinks we're dating, anyways what are you looking for?" Wonho's head poked around me looking into the cupboard. I turned back around.

"Not telling."  I continued to search through the cupboard.

"Why?" Wonho leaned his head against my back.

"Nevermind found it." I pulled out the first aid kit and turning around hitting Wonho in the head with the kit.

"Omg i didn't kno-"

"You're fine, at least i know what you were looking for now." Wonho rubbed his head.

I made him sit on the bench while i pulled out some disinfectant and a bandaid.

"Ouch, be careful." He whines like a small child.

its going to hurt, he should get that.

"Maybe you should be a bit more careful next time."

"I was protecting you, you now that right."

"Well maybe i don't need protecting." I tipped some more of the disenfectant on a cotton ball and pressed it on his forehead again.

"Yep okay, let's just ignore yesterday."

"Why have you become such a jerk, i don't know why i even bothered helping you." I took the cotton ball away from his face and went to go put in in the bin when he grabbed my wrists and leaned into me. He didn't say anything, we kind of just stayed there for a minute before a teacher walked in and he jumped of the cupboard. He still didn't say anything, but instead just grabbed his bag and left the art room leaving me in there with the teacher and first aid kit out.

"What happened?" The teacher asked me walking to the door of the office.

"He got hurt, i was just fixing his cut, im sorry." I gathered up the things i used on Wonho and chucked them in the bin while packing up the rest of the kit and putting it back.

"That's okay just he really should have gone to the first aid room."

"It wont happen again, im sorry." I grabbed my bag and walked out of the art room walking in the opposite direction to Wonho.

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