Chapter 3 - A Horrific Discovery

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Back with Poppy and Branch, they had finished dinner and were now lying down beside each other, staring at the stars, talking about random things. "Have you ever wondered what you taste like? I know i have?" Poppy asked curiously. "I don't know. What do you think you taste like?" Branch replied. "Cotton candy. Duh! I think you'd taste like Blueberry Pie." Poppy said. Branch chuckled and said "What did I ever do to deserve a girl like you Poppy?" Branch asked. "Aw, come here you" Poppy replied to where they both shared another hug. "It's getting late, we better get back. My dad is pretty paranoid about me staying out late." Poppy said. "Huh, guess I'm not the only paranoid troll." Branch replied sarcastically. They both laughed and started walking back. Branch and Poppy had planned to stay together a bit late.

Back in Bergen town, Poppy and Branch had arrived back at the Troll-Tree. Inside Poppy's house, the couple were headed to Poppy's room to talk about other things. But to Poppy's horror, she saw her father, dead on the floor, covered in blood. "DAAAAAAAAAAADDD!!!!!!!!" She screamed in horror. Branch ran over to her side to see if there was a heartbeat. He put his head on to the former king's chest, hoping for a heartbeat. But it was too late. "I'm sorry Poppy, he's gone." He said in as comforting of a voice as he could project. Poppy burst into tears at the fact that her dad, the only parent she'd known for the past 21 years of her life, was gone. Branch tried to comfort her. Hugging her, but it was no use, the tears just kept falling. 

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