Chapter 2 - Creek's Return

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Back at Bergen Town, Creek returned by being flown by a beetle. He was so angry and what Poppy had done... Even though she didn't do anything. He decided to cast a spell on the trolls. This spell would be so harsh, that after he murders Peppy, all of the Troll Tree will blame Poppy for it and hate her. Resulting in her going grey. Just what Creek wanted. Still being held by the beetle, he casted the spell. "Bubble Double, Rocks will crumble. From here on out, you all think, Poppy is trouble." he said. The beetle then took him into Peppy's pod. He saw Peppy in the hallway. "Peppy! Long time no see!" Creek yelled to get his attention. "Creek?" Peppy said. But before he could say anything else, Creek grabbed out a knife and brutally murdered the former king. He then grabbed out a spray that had the same strawberry like scent as Poppy did. he sprayed it all over the room before leaving. "Payback sucks Poppy." Creek said to himself in an evil voice.

Trolls 2: Depressionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें