Different Side

861 26 18


"Um...how can I help you"?

"Well I was just curious about something but first can you tell me your name"?


"Okay so Taemin I was curious about something and I wondering if you can help me out".

"Um...sure I'll try to. What is it"?

His smile doesn't seem real.
I know what he's thinking he's thinking 'if I'm nice to her she'll leave me alone'.
I've been interested in psychology for a while so I can kinda read people.

"Well now that I'm talking to you I'm getting more curious about something else. But the main thing is why are you always alone and avoiding people"?

"You noticed that huh".

Why is he acting shy.
Why do I get the feeling that this is just an act.

"Well I guess I haven't really had the time to make friends. Anyways I need to go bye".

"Okay see you around...".

Talking to him just made me more curious.
Why is he making up an act.
I know he's not as kind as he seems to be.
I wonder what's the real side of Taemin.

Wow that was a waste of time; good thing I got out of their quickly. But why was that girl so curious and interested in me. She was interested in me becuase of my actions not because of my appearance.
Hmm.... she's kinda interesting.


"Minho you know how at the begging of the school you told me about this kid".

"I don't know what you're talking about".

"You know the kid who was popular with the girls but sat alone".

"Oh yeah... wait don't tell me you talked to him"?

I stayed silent.

"So you did; Hyun-bin I told you to leave the guy alone".

"I know you did but he was still sitting alone and its been a week since school started; he should have friends by now".

"I guess but its not your job to help him. You're not in high school anymore. College is different I want you to focus on your school work and not on a random guy. I don't want you to get behind on your school work when that guy won't be grateful for what you're doing for him".

"Let me try just for a week and if I don't make any progress I'll give up okay. Does that sound good to you"?

"Sure I guess. But promise me you'll give up on him if he doesn't want help".

"Okay now let's eat".

-A few minutes later-

While I was eating two girls I've never seen before walked up to our table.

One of them asked,"Are you Hyun-bin"?

Goodbye||Taemin ff AUWhere stories live. Discover now