I’ll protect you until the end!

Compared to how I use Shiori’s melody, the way Ai used it is far better than I could. The beat is a bit lively and the tempo is faster. His voice with the song’s message brings it to perfection. Saotome is right on replacing me.

Dancing and fluttering,

Oh snow, pile up

Deeper and deeper…

If there was no future,

If everything ended today,

What would you do?

In the time we have left

Before we close everything,

I would hold you close!

His song ended and the audience went wild. I was left stunned on my chair staring up at him. The effects were simple compared to Eiichi’s but his song, his voice, and how he sing it wholeheartedly could compete to Eiichi’s. The song was perfect and my faith returned to Shining Entertainment’s win. Not until I realize that the venue is filled with Raging’s fans. I just hope that many are watching this on TV.


The two were given a break. We have ten minutes to vote. The wide screen on stage shows the running votes but the two boxes has no indications on who’s who. The two boxes are neck on neck. I’m nervous and I wanted Ai to win. The anticipation is killing me. It really is hard to predict on who’s going to win. I looked at Shining Entertainment and they’re already busy voting. Nagi, Kira and Raging are done with theirs. I held on to the rectangular thin piece of contraption as I examined the two glowing buttons on top of it. One is colored purple and one is colored cyan blue.

I ran my thumb onto the blue one and was about to press it when Nagi interrupted. “Eh? Haven’t voted yet? You just have to press the top button dummy.” He uttered while pointing at Eiichi’s button. “Here I’ll do it for yah!” He shouted and snatched the thing away. “No!” I shouted as I tried to get it back from him. “Here.” He gave it back and to my dismay the light of the blue button is already dead. I crunched my eyebrow and was about to lecture him, but he stood up and faced me. “Let’s go congratulate Eiichi!” He chirped then pulled me up. He dragged me into Eiichi’s room even though I don’t want to. “Eiichi hasn’t won yet!” I growled while trying to push his grip out of my wrist. “Baka! Of course he already won! His song is far more amazing that blue eyed creep.” Nagi uttered! “Don’t you dare call Ai a creep! You stupid little…” I pulled myself from his grip but it was too late. He already dragged me inside Eiichi’s room.

“Princess. Came here to congratulate me?” He strutted towards me. Nagi finally let go of my wrist. “You haven’t won yet. Voters still have five minutes.” I uttered while glaring at him. Why are these two so full of themselves? “What? Still hoping for your boyfriend to win?” He chuckled. My cheeks suddenly turned red upon hearing him say that Ai is my boyfriend. We’re dating but we’re not officially on. “H-He’s not my boyfriend.” I stuttered. He wrapped his arm around my waist and hoisted me up. “Good, cause you’ll be heartbroken if I win.” I pushed him away with my eyebrows knitted in confusion. “Why?” I asked. “Cause you’ll be forever mine.” He answered. “As if! Who told you about that crap?!” I intimidated. “Him.” He looked at me with a smirk on his face. “Him?”  “Yes, your robot said so.” He turned away from me. “What do you mean?” I asked. “He continued our bet. If he wins, you’ll go back to your agency. If I win Shining Entertainment’s name will be ranked under Raging Entertainment’s name and he’ll quit being an idol.”    “What?!”    “You heard me.” “You just can’t bet on person’s lives without them knowing it!” I shouted. I inhaled deeply and nibbled on my lower lip. How can Ai do this to me? He actually bet his own career for the heck of me? What is he thinking? Tears formed in my eyes.

The door opened and one of the crew popped in. “Camera roll in 3.” He uttered. Eiichi and Nagi went out and I stayed inside. I sat on the sofa and buried my face unto my palms while constantly screaming ‘Stupid Mikaze’ inside my head.

I stood out and went with the others. I sure do hope Ai wins.

The board was already set and there is a fifteen vote difference. That’s really close. The audiences are all heated up by the anticipation. They’re shouts indicates that they’re hungry for the result. Even I feel the same.

I took my seat and noticed that Raging’s chair is empty. I turned my gaze towards Shining Entertainment and Shining’s seat is also empty. Although I don’t care about those two, but my mind is being bugged by curiosity. Tsukimiya-sensei showed up on stage and the crowd went wild. Finally… the showing of the results. My heart is beating louder and faster. It feels like it’s going to pop any minute now. The anticipation is killing me. Especially now that I know that a bet happened between those two.

“Are you ready for this everyone?” Tsukimiya chirped. “YES!” The crowd shouted in unison. “Okay then, let’s call on to our two idols!” Tsukimiya shouted. The light danced on stage as smoke filled the entire floor. Cyan blue lights covered half of the stage as purple covered the other half. The two emerged from opposite side. The crowd’s roars loudened.

“Before we show the results, anything to say you two?” Tsukimiya asked. Eiichi snatched the microphone from Tsukimiya-sensei.  “Just wanted to clear out one thing.  A bet was constructed between me and my opponent here. If I win, which I absolutely am, Shining Entertainment’s name will be placed under our name and Mikaze Ai will quit being an idol.” Gasps and murmurs were heard all throughout the venue.  “If he wins…” He smirked and looked at Ai. “Well, that’s confidential. For the bet to be officially enforced.” He uttered like he was imposing something important while glaring at Ai. Tsukimiya-sensei looked a bit perturbed. He held on to the microphone and turned to Ai. “Is this true?” He asked. Ai stands with his hands crossed against his chest and his face unruffled. “Yes.” Is his only answer.  I kind of wished he said no. “Okay then.” Tsukimiya-sensei continued with his face still obviously disturbed.  “Are you ready to know who won?” He shouted and faced the microphone towards the audience. “YES.” They all shouted in unison.

“Okay then, all eyes on the big screen. We have a fifteen vote lead here. Wew that was so close.” Tsukimiya commented. My heart is beating faster and my hands are getting cold. My tummy is being tickled from the inside and the drumroll added more nervousness to the already nervous me. I really don’t know what’s louder my heartbeat or the drumroll. Because I could really feel my heart hammering inside me.

All the lights died and there was deep darkness alone. I can’t see anything except from the flashing lights of cameras or cellphones. The two big numbers appeared on the big screen. No other lights were on.

Two colored lights suddenly glowed. I closed my eyes from the surprise and forcefully opened it once again. I looked at the big screen with my eyes wide open.





698,526- Purple


698,511- Cyan blue


I think my heart forgot how to beat.

Artificial Intelligence (Ai Mikaze Fan Fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz