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Another depressing day for school.

(y/n) Woke up to the sound of the loud ass alarm. You hit it and said "SHUT THE FUCK UP" it stopped beeping. You got out of bed and grab your sketchbook, and doodle a picture of your one and only senpai,

You throw on your shrek t-shirt and some sweatpants and hop on the bus. All the way the only thing you think about one thing:
Obama, yet again.

Obama was the only thing ever on your mind. You couldn't think of anything else, even if you tried. Obama was your only reason to live. Everyone at school teased you for your obsession with the 44th president, but you didn't care. You got out your essay that was supposed to be about someone you love, since Valentine's Day was coming up. Obama was the only thing on this planet you ever loved. No one else could make (y/n) feel like that. Nobody.

Or is there?

You walk into the school, "I hope no one makes fun of my shrek shirt," you thought to yourself. Then someone stops you in the hallway. It's someone you find attractive, that is, if obama didn't exist. They said "Hey... I like your shrek shirt... have you heard when shrek five is coming out?" You blush aggressively! "T-the initial release is supposed to be in 2019." They said "wOah that's BEAUTIFUL? But you know what would be even more beautiful," You feel like they are going to ask you out, but your heart only belongs to Obama. "If you went to see Obamas speech with me later today ;))" They finished. You say "OBAMAS MY DADDDY, OF COURSE ILL SEE IT WITH YOU!1!1!" They said "GreAT ILL pick you up at 6:00" they smile at you, might I add very flirtatiously, and goes to their class "What a B-Baka!" You blush and head to your class.

But someone was watching your whole conversation.

It was Obama, and he was officially raged.

~A strong bond...~  Barack Obama x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now