~Back to the present~
"So...why are you here?" Mordred asked
"Part time job. Also Sakura's going to preform there." He points to the stage right outside
"You seem to care about your sister alot." Jekyll commented
"Yea, and you spirits or whatever better take good care of her when I'm not here." Touya said before going to another table
"Wha-how did he..." The two heroic spirits were completely surprised
How did a regular human like him know that they were spirits? Sure, he's the brother of Sakura but she also said that her brother doesn't have any abilities.
"Don't worry, he's just looking out for his little sister." A familiar voice said behind them
When Mordred and Jekyll turned around they were greeted by another man, this time he had short silver hair and amber eyes.
"Let me introduce myself, I'm Tsukishiro Yukito, but I suppose you guys know my other self, Yue better."
"So you're like me?" Jekyll asked
"No, rather, I was created to be Yue's vessel and disguise. But we are treated as separate people by everyone who knows so it's not bad. I still wish to some day meet my other self though."
"I see..."
"And about Touya's power, Sakura doesn't know that he has it but he'd rather not tell her right now so please don't tell Sakura about it. Anyways, here are your pancakes, enjoy!" Yukito smiled
"Okay, thank you very much." Jekyll smiled back
~A few minutes later~
"That was good! We should visit this place again!" Mordred said, satisfied
"Sure." Jekyll said
They continue to walk down the street into a less crowded area and...into a forest?
"Wait, why are we here?" Jekyll asked
"I felt something. But then those damn ghosts blocked it! Now I can't sense anything!" Mordred said, clearly frustrated
"What was it like?"
"It was like a bunch Servant was here."
"But it's only been a week!"
"I don't know. Let's just look around." Mordred materialized her crimson armor
Jekyll nodded before following Mordred deeper into the woods.
"You feel it too right?!" Mordred said after a while
"Yes! It's down at the bottom of that cliff!" He replied
The two Servants jumped down and landed behind a man.
He had short, dark hair and looked to be European. The man turned around and looked at them with calm eyes
"Mr.Holmes! It's you!" Jekyll said upon recognizing the person before them
"Mr.Jekyll, it has indeed been a while."
"How nostalgic, I never got to say this but thank you for helping me when we were alive."
"Oh, there's no need to thank me. However, I must remind you that this is the Holy Grail War."
"Yes, I am well aware of that. So did you get summoned into the Ruler class?" Jekyll asked
"Indeed, how did you know?"
"Lets just say that having someone who could see the future on your side is pretty convenient." Mordred stepped in
"Yes, we already knew who were going to be in the 7 classes so figuring that you're Ruler wasn't that hard, I guess. Although there was the possibility of you being a Servant summoned by Ruler."
"By the way, what the hell were you doing here? Summoning your Servants?"
"Summoning my Servants. I'm done already, they are helping me look ar-"
"Ruler! Is everything ok?!" A voice shouted
This was the first time Jekyll had heard this voice, but it's another story for the knight who's standing next to him.
"Gawain..." Mordred murmured
"I recognize that voice anywhere." Mordred said, her grip on Clarent tightens
The source of the voice finally came into view and Gawain was there with Excalibur Galatine in his hand, ready to  to strike at any moment. Suddenly, his eyes widen as he saw Mordred.
"Knight of Treachery..." Gawain said, anger clearly showing on his face
"Yeah, it's me, Mordred, the one who killed you!" Mordred said confidently
"To summon a traitor like you here, that Master of yours really has to be some kind of monster." He said
"I'M NOT A MONSTER!!" The Heroic Spirits heard someone said from up in the air
They look up to see a white bird with a star on its chest. It landed on Mordred shoulder.
"Geez! I just got here and this is the first thing I heard?! DO I LOOK LIKE A MONST-oh...oh no! This is so embarrassing! S-sorry! I overeacted!" The bird's face turned red and any signs of hostility from before seemed to disappear. Both Mordred and Jekyll immediately realized who was talking.
"Mr. Sakura? When did you learn to shapeshift?" Jekyll asked
"Oh, this isn't shapeshift, bird-san here is my farmiliar. Yuuko-san taught me how to do this." The bird answered

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