2.Strange names

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Mordred's POV
I open my eyes to see a bright and empty space wich was definitely not the place I remembered last being. I was at my Master's house. She suddenly fainted so we had to carry her back. The others went to their rooms, Tomoyo stayed the night and Assassin and his Master went home.
Then, all of a sudden, flower petals started to scatter everywhere. I swear if this had something to do with Merlin I wouldn't be surprised. Its so strange, there was not even one single flower here, yet, it seems like they could drown a whole city with these petals alone. Then, I saw two figures in the distance, it looked like they were fighting each other so I ran there to see what's happening. There, I saw Assassin and...Assassin?
"Hey!" I interrupted the fight "So...what is happening here? Why is there two of you?" I asked
"S-Saber? So you are here too?" One of them said
"Well, I AM standing in front of you, so the answer is yes."
"Oh, yes, obviously, what was I thinking. That aside, I'm afraid that I am just as clueless as you are. And about there being two of us, well, it seems like Hyde and I have somehow separated from each other."
"Any ideas on what to do?" I asked
"No. Not at the moment." He said
"Hey! Are you f#ckers forgetting ab-"
"Shut up!" We shouted
"Jeez, what did I do get that?" Hyde said
"Nothing, it's just that...you are...umm..."
"Annoying." I finished the sentence for him
"Y-yeah." Jekyll said
Before any of us had the chance to say anything else, we all felt three presents coming toward us. I recognized two of them was from my Master, Sakura and that stuffed toy named Kero. The other present, I don't know who that is.
When we were able to actually see them, I could see Sakura with a lion-like creature and a man with silver hair, both of them had angelic wings on their back.
"There you guys are! Sorry for keeping you waiting!" Sakura shouted as soon as she saw us and ran even faster than she was before.
"Ms.Sakura, do you know where we are and what's happening?" Jekyll asked
"Yes, I do. But first of all, Mordred, please just call me Sakura, I would much rather be your friend than your master." Sakura smiles
"Jeez, just do it, it won't cost ya." The beast said
"And it's not like Sakura likes being called something like that." The man said
"O-ok I'll do it, who are you anyway?"
"Oh, let me introduce them. They are the guardians of my cards. This is actually Kero-chan in his true form, he represents the sun..." Sakura points to the beast "And this Yue-san, he represents the moon." She points to the man

"So this is Sakura's new friends?" Yue asked
"Yup. And there's more people too." Kero said
"Um, ok, Sakura, what is happening exactly?" Jekyll asked again
"I will tell you guys after we find the others. Come on!"
Rin's POV
"Have you found anything yet?" I asked Shirou
"Sadly, no."
Since we got here, me and Shirou have been trying to at least find out where we are. But nothing seems to work. Shirou can't even use Unlimited Blade Works. Hmm... I wonder could we possibly-
"GUAH-" Something or rather, someone fell on me
I looked up, she was a woman with long black hair and skin so pale that it looked like there was not a single drop of blood in her body.

"My my, looks like I landed on someone." The woman stood up
"Rin, a-are you ok?" Shirou helped me get up
"Yeah I'm fine. But..."
"Who are you?" I continued
"I'm Sakura's friend of course. Hey! So whats your names?" She said, pointing at me and Shirou.
"I ask you two for your names."
"T-Tohsaka Rin...and this is Emiya Shirou." I said
"......How foolish of you two to just give a complete stranger your names!" She laughed
"You're who asked us!"
"When you tell someone your name, you are giving them a chance to take your soul and if they then know your birth date than they will be able to control your whole life...Wanna know my name?"
"N-no thanks."
"Ichihara Yuuko."
"And she tells us anyway..."
"Naturally, it is an allias."
"THEN WHY TELL US AT ALL?!?" I shouted
Oh gosh I do not get along with this kind of person!
Then, we heard something bouncing in the distance, it was getting closer. Then, I can hear footsteps too, and a voice shouting something. Wait a second, that voice is Saber's!
It didn't take long until we saw her. She seemed to be chasing two rabbit-like creatures who was making the bouncing noises.

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