Rewrite The Stars

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"This is the greatest show!" Sung everyone as they finished yet another show.

Phillip turned towards Barnum when everyone was bowing. He went to kiss him but Phineas ran out before he could. Phillip just stood there confused before smiling at the crowd and running after him.

"Phineas. Phineas!" Yelled Phillip as he tried to find Barnum.

Phillip looked everywhere for him until he saw him sitting in the corner behind the risers.  Most of the crowds had left so it was mainly just them.

"What the hell, Phin." Said an angry Phillip.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't. You don't realize how bad it will be if that happened."

"Phin, the hate and protestors might get worse but I don't care. I'm not going to let their ignorant ways get in between our relationship. But your letting it happen." Said Phillip, starting to walk away. How could he be so stupid as to trust P.T Barnum m with his heart? He should have known better.

As Phillip walked back to the ring, hoping Phineas would come and stop him or even just say something. But he never did. He went to Anne and took his spot on the ring that goes in the air. She looked at him with a sad, knowing look. "I'm sorry Phillip. We all saw that we just didn't expect him to run off."

Just as she finished saying that Phineas ran in. "You know I want you. It's not a secret I try to hide." He began to sing but Phillip just spun away from him. The troupe got the memo that they should probably go.

"I know you want me, so don't keep saying our hands are tied. You claim it's not in the cards but fate is pulling you miles away and out of reach from me." Sang Phineas with all his heart.

Phillip slowly spun around to look at the man singing to him. He watched as Phineas slowly made his way closer to Phillip to join him on the ring.

"You know I want you, It's not a secret I try to hide. But I can't have you we're bound to break and my hands are tied."

"That's where your wrong Phineas. We are not bound to break. I love you." Phillip became surprised at what he just said. Not knowing the consequences he goes to jump off the ring. But Barnum holds him back.

"I love you too." He says as he kisses Phillip.

(Sorry for the short chapter, I didn't have enough time to write it any longer.)

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