The Final Straw💔

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Ari's POV
"Good morning Arifam, welcome back to my channel" I introduced my vlog "I have no freaking clue what we're doing today but I'm about to go downstairs and uh find out *shrugs*"
"Morning Ari" Erika smiles while cooking breakfast for all of us
"Morning Erika" I grin zooming in on her
And then Anthony comes from behind and hugs me
"Hello beautiful" he smirked kissing my neck
"Hey handsome" I giggled ruffling his hair a little bit
"Hey not the hair" he pouted making me chuckle
"Awww you're so cute" I cooed "I'll fix it I guess" and I fixed his hair
"Better" he nodded
"What are we doing today guys" I wondered
"I have no idea, it's up to your brother" Chance added
"Why is it always up to my brother" I asked
"Because, he's kinda the leader of this place, unfortunately" Erika sighed making me nod
"Whatever" I muttered
It's always Jake, always, why?
"Morning Team 10" my brother screamed at everyone
"Morning Jake" we chorused back
"What are we doing today" I asked him
"Well, I was thinking that we do some sick stunts" he answered back "which, you, can't do but can only film"
"How about something fun" I smirked as I said it
"That is fun" he scoffed
"I meant fun for everyone, even the girls" I defended
"Girls should film, it's what their here for anyway" Jake deadpanned making everyone, including myself, drop their jaw to the floor
"Excuse me" I sneer
"You heard me" he smirked
"So, the only reason I ever came here, was not for me, but for your sorry asshole self" I outraged
"Kind of. I also wanted to-"
"Bullshit, you only ever care about yourself, never for any one of us, or me. You should get your head out of your ass, wake up a bit, and not be so god damn controlling" I argued
"Hey I'm not controlling and you know it" he bellowed
"Um really? So when I asked everyone what we're doing today, to EVERYONE, Chance says it's up to you and then Erika says you're the master and that's not controlling. You are literally the sickest asshole Jake" I screamed
"Have you listened to yourself. You are literally a disgrace to our family since you're basically sleeping around in this house, even with the girls" he ranted
That one hurt
"Jake, I'm not doing that" I told him calmly
At this point, everybody knew to leave already
I wish I could too
"How do I know" he challenged
"Because I at least have respect for everybody and I stay loyal to my boyfriend" I defended
And then, that one thing I never thought he'd do, happened
He hit me
"Don't talk to me, don't look at me. Call me when you're ready to stop being a c***" Jake scoffed and walked away leaving me a crying mess on the floor
"I have to get out of here" I whispered going to pack a bag full of enough clothes to last me a week for now, took my electronics, and packed them while going to my range rover
I'm gonna let Jake explain what happened to Team 10 since he did the damage
So I went to the one place where people truly truly cared
The Clout house, where Alissa is
I knocked on the door and more tears started coming down my face as I saw Alissa opening the door
"Oh Ari come in" she sighed hugging me "what did Anthony do"
"Anthony did nothing" I sniffled "it's Jake"
"What did he do" she deadpanned but was sympathetic towards me
"We got into another fight, but he hit me" I sobbed taking off my sunglasses to reveal the large bruise
"OH MY GOD" Alissa exclaimed loud enough for the rest of the Clout House to hear
"What's happened" Banks asked Alissa
"Jake hit his own little sister" Alissa scoffed
"Are you ok" he asked me
"Not really" I shook my head
"It's ok, you're safe here now" he told me and I nodded my head thanking him
"So apparently we have a guest, lets see who it is, oh look at that guys, it's Ari- I'm going to continue this later" Rice (Bryan) said when he saw a massive bruise on my face
"Jake hit her" Alissa sneered
"Ok, that is truly not right" Bryan decided and I nodded
"Not only that but he was being controlling over everyone and when I talked back to him he told me to not look at him, talk to him, and to call him when I stop being a c***" I explained to everyone and their jaws dropped when I said the last word
"Ok you honestly don't go throwing that word out on anybody, let alone a girl" Ricky stated
"Yeah, Jake is literally one of the worst human beings" Chantel sighed rubbing my back as I cried
"Are you going back" Sommer wondered
"Absolutely fucking not. I'm a nobody to him basically" I whimpered and Alissa hugged me
"You're not a nobody, don't worry about that sorry asshole, does he even know you left" Alissa asked
"No, his ego's too big to realize" I chuckled making everyone laugh
"Do a diss track on him. Would that make you feel better" Bryan asked
"Hell yeah" I exclaimed smiling
"There we go" Chantel grinned
"You can stay here as long as you want" Ricky decided
"Thank you. Where's the bathroom so I can freshen up a bit" I asked
"Here, I'll take you to yours" Sommer smiled leading me to a really large bathroom
"Thanks so much" I told her and changed into a comfy outfit (media)

Jake's POV
"Um, you guys ok" Nick asked hesitantly
"Where's Ari" Erika wondered a little panicked
"I don't know man" I sighed
"Wait, so she just left afterwards" Anthony questioned looking like he was going to blow his top
"She said she had to clear her head" I lied
I'm not letting them know what I did to her or else, I'll have no one
"We need to find her" Chance nodded and everyone agreed
"Do you have any idea where she goes to clear her head" Erika asked me carefully
"Starbucks" I said tears coming out of my eyes
"We'll find her Jake, don't worry" Nick reassured and I nodded
"I'll try and call her" Anthony decided pulling up her contact

Ari's POV
I saw that Anthony was trying to call me but I'm smarter than that. I know Jake's going to answer and think it's me thinking he's Tony, so no

Anthony's POV
"She's not answering" I sighed
"We're not going to be getting an answer out of her anytime soon" Chance shrugged
"You're probably right" Erika agreed
And then she called me back
"Babe where are you, I'm worried" I told her
"You'll find out soon enough Tony. I gotta go love you" she rushed
Those 5 words just kept repeating in my mind
You'll find out soon enough

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