t w e n t y t h r e e

Start from the beginning

"Damn, are you in love Ms. Lowe?" Jen asked, a smirk playing at her lips.

"No!" I shook my head quickly, "I'm just really happy with him"

"I can tell" She smiled before walking off to find a place for the new clothing.

Two hours passed by and it was already six o'clock, meaning that I had two hours left before we closed and I was home free. So far, only one person had come in and I was bored out of my mind.

I was simply checking my make up in the mirror when I heard the door open. As I turned around to greet the customer, my mouth dropped open.

"Do ya think you can help me find some clothes for my lovely girlfriend? I've been missin' her an awful much"

Words physically could not leave my mouth as I ran to Niall and jumped in his arms. He gladly picked me up and spun me around as I buried my head int the crook of his neck.

"How the hell are you here, Niall?!" I gasped once he set me down.

"I've got two days before my performance in Arizona which means I've got two days with my girl" He replied proudly. I was about to pull him into a kiss when I remembered I was still at work.

"You're incredible" I breathed out, still in disbelief. I wrapped my arms around him once more, "I missed you so much"

"I missed you more, petal" He said as he pressed his lips to the top of my head, "Don't think I can keep lasting this long without seein' ya"

Before I could reply, Jen cleared her throat from across the store, "Are you gonna introduce me or what?"

I let out a laugh before intertwining my hands with Niall's and bringing him over to her, "Niall, this is the best manager in the whole wide world, Jen!"

"Pleasure to meet ya, ma'am" Niall smiled, holding out a hand to her for a handshake.

"Oh please" She said before grabbing his hand and pulling him into a hug, "I'm a hugger!"

"I can see that" Niall laughed as he embraced her.

"It's so nice to meet you, Niall. Gabi's been gushing about you non-stop" Jen smirked.

"Oh yeah?" Niall smirked at me, "Hopefully makin' me look good"

"Of course" She laughed.

After some casual conversation with Jen, Niall turned to me and spoke,

"I was wondering if ya wanted to get some food during your break? You must be hungry" Niall offered. 

I let out a light chuckle, "That's sweet but I don't get a break tonight, Ni. I'm only working a four hour shift today"

"Oh.." He nodded embarrassedly.

"But you know I'd love to afterwards!" I exclaimed quickly. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked the time, "I have an hour and a half left then I can head out"

"Oh no" Jen chimed in, shaking her head, "Go off now, Gabi. If your boyfriend can fly across the country to see you for two days, then you can leave two hours early"

"Are you sure, Jen? I don't want you to be alone here" I asked.

"Please, I'll be fine!" She reassured, "You two go and have a nice dinner"

I smiled and hugged her, "Thank you so much"

"You're welcome" She replied as se hugged back, "And don't even bother coming in tomorrow too, okay? Bethany will cover for you"

- - -

After driving back from work, Niall and I stopped by the apartment so that I could change into something nicer and he could say hi to Foley. We decided to go somewhere a bit fancier than just fast food to celebrate that we were together. It was an upscale Italian restaurant near campus in honor of our first date together after his show.

After being seated, Niall and I caught up about the past two weeks. Though, there was little to catch up on since we texted and FaceTimed every chance we got.

I was filing him in on my new classes, gushing about how fun they were, especially my event-planning class.

"My test was literally to plan a wedding reception, Ni. I mean, how easy was that?!" I exclaimed.

Niall simply nodded and wiped his mouth with his napkin before speaking, "Come on tour with me"

My eyes immediately went wide and I gasped, "What?"

"Come on tour with me, Gabi" Niall repeated.

I started at him for a moment, waiting for him to burst out into laughter and tell me he was joking. When nothing happened, I started to realize that maybe he wasn't kidding, "Um, what?"

He let out a chuckle at my confusion and took my hand that was laying atop the table in his, "I've dreaded these two weeks on tour without ya, petal. Of course I love hearing your voice and seein' your pretty face when we FaceTime but we both know that's not the same. And I was thinking recently how I could barely last two weeks without seeing you. What's going to happen next month when I'm out of the country and can't come back to you as quickly? I think that if you came on tour with me, we'd have a lot of fun and I'd be missing ya a lot less"

I kept quiet for a few moments, trying to process everything he said while simultaneously trying to figure out how to reply. Of course my first reaction is yes, but I had to be real and take everything else into consideration.

"Niall, that is so sweet and I've missed you a lot too, but what you're asking from me is a lot.." I started, "I mean, I'd be leaving school, work, and Foley! Plus, don't you think that's a big step for our relationship?"

"It is darlin', but I've been thinking about it and I'm ready to take it if you are" He offered me a smile as he rubbed his thumb over my hand, "I'm crazy about you and I just want to see you as much as I can"

"But what about school?" I questioned, "I can't just drop out now and leave. I'd be so behind especially since I just declared my major"

"You wouldn't be behind if you got experience on the tour with me!" He exclaimed, "I mean, think about it. You're majoring in music management and you'd be touring with a music manager. You'd get the complete run down on how Sarah does everything. Plus, you can even bring your camera along and get some pro tips from Connor! You'd be learning so much more on tour with me than you ever would in a class room"

"I don't know..." I sighed.

"Just think about it, yeah?" He asked, squeezing my hand, "You don't have to decide on anything now, but just tell me that you'll consider it"

I bit my lip and hesitated for a moment. Considering t it wouldn't be the worst idea and it would mean a lot to him..

I nodded, "Yeah, I'll think about it"

sorry this chapter kind of jumped a bit! i'm just so excited for what's to come and decided that this would be the best way to get there :)

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