Heartbroken Part 2 (Zussman/Reader)

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You were still furious. You had been fuming for however long Zussman had been gone. You're not sure how long it's exactly been, but it's felt like years without a best friend.

"When are you going to grow the hell up?" Aiello and Stiles confronted you one day.

"I don't know what you're talking about," you replied stubbornly, sitting up on your cot and lacing a new pair of boots.

"You know what he's talking about," Stiles rolled his eyes. "You're being a dick."

"It's almost like I lost my best-fucking-friend," you spat.

"Yeah, we all have," Aiello replied without missing a beat. "But we go on and we don't blame the people who aren't guilty—"

"I'm not blaming anyone who isn't guilty."

"That's bullshit and you know it." You shrug in reply and stand up. They blocked your way to leave.

"Let me through."

"No. Not until you realize you're being an ass."

"I know I'm being an ass."

"Then why don't you change it?"

"Because the only people I'm as ass to deserve it."

You and Aiello were face-to-face now. Obviously, you had to look up a little, but you refused to back down. Both of you were furious and Stiles had to make sure neither of you hurt the other legitimately.

"This is why whores like you should never be allowed near the military."

"Fuck you," you replied to Aiello in the same level as he talked. You refused to back down and you refused to be talked to like that. "Get the hell out of my way."

You shoved past him and stormed out. You could hear Stiles following but you ignored him, you didn't want to talk to anyone associating with Aiello right now.

Eventually, the war was coming to a close and it had been months since you were on good terms with Aiello. If there's one thing you did well, its hold a grudge. Stiles and you were good and he was a shoulder to cry on when you needed it. Eventually it got to a point where you and others were liberating Nazi Labor Camps.

I thought I'd seen the worst, but I had no idea. My heart ached as we found starving and hurt people. Children, too. Finally we got to one that seemed empty. You stayed near Pierson, which unfortunately was with Aiello. Pierson didn't take bullshit though and let Aiello pull you to the side.

"Listen, I'm sorry," he apologized. You just stared at him. "I really am. I've changed my ideas though and you know that." You knew what he meant. He'd become less racist and overall more of an accepting person, but still he made you mad. "I don't think that way anymore. You're one of the strongest people I know and you're way stronger mentally and emotionally than most men here."

You pursed your lips. "Thank you," you said sincerely, then added, "flattery gets you nowhere. Next time you apologize, bring chocolate," you winked. It was nice having made up with everyone now. Daniels you'd made up with a while ago after you came to your senses and realized that he is Zussman's best friend, of course he did everything possible.

He laughed and pulled you into a hug. You hugged him back as Pierson called you over. That's how you ended up walking through some woods calling out for Zussman. You lost Daniels, but you didn't care, you only cared about finding Zussman.

You heard multiple gunshots, and then ran with the others and found Zussman and Daniels. When they got Zussman up you pulled him into a gentle but reassuring hug. "I thought I was gonna die out there," he whispered weakly to you.

"Come on, we'll get you fixed up," you promised with a sigh of relief. He wasn't dead, you'd both go home together.

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