"I love you," he whispers while kissing my the top of my head.

"Love you too," I respond, and Harry places a hand on my stomach. He runs his hand along the skin of my stomach. I hear his heartbeat, and it beats beautifully like a lullaby.

After over thirty minutes in the bath tub, Harry decides it's time to get out. He stands and helps me out, wrapping a towel around me. He puts the other towel around his waist before pulling me to him. Engulfed in a hug, I get a warm fuzzy feeling, and become even more excited to be starting a family with this man.

Harry holds my hand and leads me into the bedroom. We get on our pajamas, and after, Harry goes down to make me some tea.

I lay down on our bed, burying myself under the covers.

A few minutes pass before Harry comes into the room. "The tea is almost done," he says, kissing my forehead. "I'll be back in a second."

I look at the ceiling and wait for Harry, humming to a tune which I can't recall the name of. And then it hits me. A huge kick, and a loud shriek.

Taking a few deep breaths, I calm down and figure I'll be fine. But then it happens again.

And again.

I scream and call out for Harry. And then I feel a burst, the sheets becoming wet underneath me. A few tears stream down my cheeks and I'm scared to move.

"Harry!" I call again, sobbing now. I hear quick footsteps coming up the stairs, and Harry bursts through the door of our room.

"Y/N?" He gasps, rushing over to me. "What is it?"

Struggling to speak, I take a few shaky breaths and grab onto Harry's hand. "We need to go to the hospital."

"What? Why?" He asks, touching my cheek and brushing back a piece of my hair.

"I-I..." I stutter. "I think my w-water broke."

"Oh my god," Harry says, getting up and frantically searching for our bag that was packed for the hospital trip. "How? It's two months too early!"

"I don't know," I breathe out, still not moving. Harry finally finds the bag and looks back to me.

"Should I drive you, or do you need an ambulance?" He asks, coming over to me.

"I'm afraid to walk," I choke out, and Harry pulls out his phone.

"Okay," he tells me while dialing the emergency number. "Ambulance it is."

He gives me a kiss on the cheek before someone answers.

"What's your emergency?" A woman's voice says.

"Um, my wife's water broke and she's not due for another two months. She doesn't think she can walk."

"Okay, Sir. We're sending an ambulance to your location, and it should be there shortly."

"Thank you, ma'am." Harry hangs up the phone. "Okay, baby. They'll be here in a few minutes, so hang in there."

I start feeling very light-headed and my vision gets blurry for a second.

"Harry," I call, reaching my arm out for him, wherever he is. Harry's large hand grabs mine.

"I'm right here, love."

My eyelids close for a second and then flutter back open. I inhale, feeling a sharp pain in my abdomen. A few more tears run down my cheeks.

"Come on, Y/N. You'll be okay. I'm right here with you."

"Harry, I-" I begin, but it hurts me to speak.

I can make out a blurred version of Harry's face above me. "Stay with me, baby. They're almost here," he tells me, pain laced in his voice.

But my eyelids can't hold their weight, so they flutter closed. My vision is out, and my memory is out.

"She'll be okay, Sir. We'll keep you informed."

"Why am I not allowed in the room with my wife?"

"We believe that she and the child will be safer with a minimal amount of germs in their environm-"

"No! I need to be in there!"

"Sir, we don't want to have to ask you to leave, so please just wait outside. The faster we can get this over with, the sooner you'll be able to see her."

*Two years later*

"Baby, I'm home!" Harry calls to me from the front of the house.

"In the kitchen!" I say back, stirring some macaroni and cheese on the stove.

Harry walks to the kitchen and kisses my cheek before pausing.

"I'll be right back, love," he tells me, and walks upstairs.

While he's gone, I put a plate together for him, as well as a cup of apple juice. I hum to a random tune, and continue to make the food.

I hear Harry's footsteps and some others as they walk across the hardwood floor.

"Mommy!" One little voice says. The other squeals, as words have not yet come to her mouth.

A smile instantly reaches my face. Harry comes over to make the kids their plates as I bend down.

"Aww, how was your nap, Nathan?" I ask my son, and a smile takes over his face.

"Goo," he tells me, not able to pronounce the last letter on "good". I grin and kiss his cheek.

"How about you, Bella?" I ask Nathan's twin sister as well. She smiles and nods quickly. "Your nap was good?" She nods again. I tickle Bella's sides and give her a kiss on the cheek.

Bella was almost a head shorter than Nathan, them being born very prematurely. Nathan grew rapidly, but Bella has been behind since she was born.

"Well, dinner is ready!" Harry sings in a silly way, making Nate and Bella giggle. I pick them both up and place them each on a hip, carrying them over to the table.

We eat our macaroni, and the entire time, Bella stares at Harry. He begins to notice, and looks at me with a confused expression.

Before we know it, it's time for bed. Nathan goes down very easily, but Bella proves to be more of a challenge. I try putting her to sleep, and then Harry tries, but she won't sleep. Finally, Harry offers something.

"Bells?" Harry asks, making her look at him. "Do you want to try and sleep in Mommy and Daddy's room?"

Bella nods, a smile on her face.

Harry and I get ready for bed, and we lay down with Bella between us. She continues to look at Harry. He begins to sing to her, making me doze off a little, but I am alert when he stops singing.

"I think Bella's asleep," he whispers to me.

"Okay, I'll go put her in bed," I tell him, and he smirks at me. I raise an eyebrow as I pick Bella's unconscious body up. "What?"

"You better hurry back, Sexy," he says, making a blush rise to my cheeks.

And I hear a sound. "S-se-sesy," Bella mumbles with her head against my neck. Somehow, Harry heard her.

"Harry!" I whisper-scold him as he looks at me with wide eyes.

I can tell he wants to laugh, but is holding it in. "Bella's first word was...sexy?" He cracks up in laughter.

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