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It was always nice having a brother older than you. He watched over you, took care of you. You knew Mason would punch anyone who came too close or looked at you the wrong way.

Mason's birthday came quicker than you expected. Being only nineteen months apart, you knew some of the people he would invite over to have a party at your house.

You and Mason had a closely binded relationship, so it wasn't a surprise when he said you could hang with him and his boys. But because of your better judgement, you decided to give him his own time to have fun. Well, that and the fact that his friend Derek creeped you out a bit...

As soon as you got home from high school on the day of his party, you started to help set everything up. There would probably be some loud music, a bunch of food, and a backyard full of whatever seniors decided to show.

And then as seven o'clock hit, cars started piling into the driveway, the loud music started, and you headed up to your room to escape the craziness. You pulled out your favorite book, The Fault in our Stars, and put on your headphones, listening to twenty one pilots. You listened to "Goner" from their album called Blurryface, and noticed a tear drop onto the page of your book. You turned off the music and threw your headphones across the room, placed the book on your nightstand, and shimmied under the covers of your bed.

It had been a rough day today at school, because girls were cruel to you. Mason couldn't do anything about girls, especially when you didn't tell him about them. You just wanted to escape the world in your music, but you couldn't focus on not focusing.

Just as you were about to cry yourself to sleep, you heard the squeak of your door with rusty hinges, and your eyes shot open to see who was at your door.

You had always liked Harry, and were glad he was your brother's best friend. You didn't know that Mason noticed the little things you'd do around Harry, but he did. He saw the way you'd freeze up when you were spoken to, how you'd give Harry his own bag of freshly made popcorn on movie nights, and how you'd try to avoid seeing Harry when you walked the halls.

To be honest, you loved Harry. So seeing him in the frame of your door was a bit of a surprise, and you sat straight up in your bed, hair still in a messy bun from your reading session earlier.

"I heard some sniffling while on my way to the restroom," Harry answered the question you'd wondered in your head.

You stayed silent, not knowing what to say, and overthinking everything you could say.

"What's wrong?" He made his way to comfort you as a few stray tears slid down your cheeks. He sat next to you on your bed, too close in your opinion, so you moved over to create an inch or two of space. It was especially hard not to shiver as Harry placed an arm around you to close the gap.

"You can talk to me, Y/N. You know I'll destroy whatever's taking that beautiful smile off of your face."

This made you smile internally, but your head turned downward and you pulled your legs to your chest. Harry's arms interlocked around your curled up figure.

"Talk to me, please. I won't tell Mason if that's what you're worried about." Harry attempted to pull your chin up to meet his eyes, except you wouldn't let him because you didn't want him to see you crying. A soothing hand rubbed your back and you felt a soft pair of lips kiss your temple.

Your body was pulled extremely close to Harry, your head resting sideways on his chest and the rest of you was rested on Harry's lap. He held you and told you over and over again that it would be okay, and that he'd be here if I needed to talk. Eventually, your breathing evened out and you slid out of his arms.

" 'Okay?' " Harry asked with a smirk plastered onto his face. He had no idea how much it meant to you with one word as simple as "okay", but then you knew he'd read the book like you'd asked him to.

"Okay," you repeated, your voice sounding smaller than you would have wanted.

"Y/N, I wasn't actually coming over here to use the restroom," he confessed, his eyes glued to yours. "I just wanted to talk. I want to say that I love to be around you. Your smile, your cheerfulness, and the light you bring to every room you enter. I honestly don't care if Mason won't let us, because it's you that matters. I want you to be mine. And I know it sounds cliché, but I don't care. Y/N, I think I'm in love with you..."

The last part came out faint because Harry's voice dropped to a whisper. He searched your eyes and must have found what he was looking for because his hands made their way to your face. His nose found its way to yours, and his lips connected with your own with a passion that set your body on fire.

Harry seemed to understand, without speaking, that your answer was "yes". Your arms wrapped around his neck like a moment in a dream. His hands moved to your waist to pull you, not close, but practically on top of him. Your messy bun became a messy, messy bun as Harry deepened the kiss, and when his fingers got stuck within your hair, he had to let it down.

Harry moved you both, while still in the kiss, to a more comfortable position. Your head was rested on your pillow while Harry hovered over you, his hands gliding smoothly through your silky hair.

"Hey Y/N, have you seen Har..." You recognized the voice. It was Mason.

Harry kissed your neck while you looked over, terrified to see your brother.

"Harry! Stop!" You shoved Harry's chest, but the motion barely moved him.

"Mmm, babe?" He hummed against your skin. You felt your face heat up into a deep rouge when you saw Mason smirk towards your direction. Harry took his time to get up after you'd squirmed a little and looked surprised when he saw that Mason was present.

"Beautiful, Harry. Looks like, like you actually had the guts," Mason laughed jokingly at Harry. Harry's face flushed and he looked down at you to escape the awkwardness of your brother. "But hey, Y/N, that looked like a pretty good first one," Mason teased, and you resembled a tomato because he didn't know this actually was your first kiss.

"I'll, leave you two alone now," Mason said after an awkward second passed. As he closed the door behind himself when he left, you heard the click. He locked the door.

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