"Would you like to join me for some sake, Kagome?" He asked her. She started to tear up. She leaped into the air, and wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders. He laughed, and she soon joined in, happy that someone, anyone, accepted her for what she was in this world.

"I would enjoy that, Hiko." She told him. He smiled.


"And so, here he is, flapping around in the river, screaming his lungs out. 'Help me master. Help me.' Saying something about not being able to swim or some nonsense--" Kagome's laughter burst into the air. She was gripping her sides, and started to pound the log, trying to stop the sound. Hiko smirked, and tried not to laugh himself. "And here I was, telling him to shut up, and that it was his own fault for falling into the river in the first place." Kagome started to wheeze, unable to breathe, and she fell off the log. She couldn't take it anymore. These stories about Kenshin's horrible childhood were hysterical! She couldn't stop laughing! "Then after he was done, 'Drowning' I told him to stand up...the water was only waist deep!" His laughter roared into the air, as his deep rumbles mingled into her own fits of laughter.

They both laughed their lungs out, and Hiko continued to tell her stories about Kenshin. That is, until a certain Demon King materialized in front of them.

"Ha-HA!" Kagome laughed before she coughed, and wiped away her tears. "Hello Sesshomaru." She greeted. Hiko looked at her, then at Sesshomaru, before lifting his glass up in greeting. Sesshomaru inclined his head in acknowledgement, before looking at her. She was trying to hold back her fits of giggles.

"You find my presence amusing?" He asked. She waved her hand in front of her face, in objection.

"Of course not, Master." She told him. Hiko quickly glanced back at him, she could tell he was studying him. It seems calling him 'Master' must have alerted the observant man.

"I have news." He informed her. "Kenshin is now fighting Shishio. Other members of his crew tried to take care of Totosai and his friends, while he was not there." He told her. "They were fools." He stated. She knew what that meant. 'He was not amused' and they probably bored him.

"What did you do with them?" She asked.

"They were pests." He told her.

"So they're dead then." She sighed, before standing up. She quickly took off her weights, but kept her belt on. She handed them to Sesshomaru. He just looked at them.

"This Sesshomaru is not your luggage boy." He stated, yet again, what he was not.

"Of course not, My Master." She smiled at him, and he threw the hunks of metal to the side. They all crashed into the ground, leaving a crater in their wake.

"Go, now, before that human gets himself into things he does not understand."

"As always, you are correct, My King." She bowed to him. "I should hurry. He does not stand a chance against that wicked man." She looked at Hiko.

"So you are no longer 'watching from the shadows'?" He asked. She shook her head.

"I don't know if I'll ever see you again." She told him.

"I'm not going anywhere." He told her. She smiled at his words, before she bent down, and licked his cheek. A small blush, almost unnoticeable, appeared across his nose. He looked at her questionably.

"You're quite tasty." She confessed. "Like caramel." She winked, before she jumped back and disappeared, yet her laughter still hung in the air. Hiko shook his head from side to side and smiled to himself. He looked at the sliver haired demon, before standing up.

"She calls you by many names. She respects you." He stated. Sesshomaru looked at him, gaining his attention. Hiko just smirked at his reaction. Just by looking at each other, they knew that they were quite similar and very strong beings. This fact seemed to make them both feel on edge with each other.

"Is that sword of yours just for show?" Sesshomaru asked.

"Would you like to find out?" Hiko replied.

"Are you challenging me, human?"

"If I said no, would you believe me?" He asked, pulling out is sword. Sesshomaru smirked at the man's strange humor. Indeed, Sesshomaru was quite curious about the strangely dressed man.

"You've caught my attention, human" He stated, and pulled out one of Kagome's swords. She won't mind if he just borrowed it for a while. "If it is a fight you want. This Sesshomaru will make your death as quick as possible." He warned him, before charging. The sound of their swords clashing blasted throughout the mountain, like thunder.

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