"Sorry ma'am your drinks are ready, and here is the one with tequila." I gave the bartender death glare I could feel Anthony and others eyes on my back now, nodding I take my drink taking a long sip hoping to be drunk by time I needed to turn around.

"Ant don't take her away from us man but this is our new friend V." Jason said I could help but grimace at the nickname I seemed to have acquired, I guess it was now or never taking another quick sip I turn around to Anthony's smiling face.

"Red Queen I was starting to think you weren't gonna show." He grinned and I downed the rest of my drink without blinking. "Woah what were you drinking?" He chuckled.

"She order the three of us the Incredible Hulk the way she downed it, I'm pretty sure it taste like juice." David cheered as he and Jason clinked their glasses in front of my face, I watched as both of them spurted out the green drinking causing Anthony and the guys around him to laugh, even I let out a chuckle. While they joked and let the guys in on my mean little prank, I took Anthony in. He decided to go with jeans that were ripped at the knees, black yeezys and a dark grey velvet shirt; like I didn't know they made men shirts with velvet but here he was looking like a whole ass meal.

"I should just let him destroy my guts." I said under my breathe but as soon as I did he looked at me with that stupid ass smirk as if he knew of course he couldn't with the loud music.

"Why didn't you tell us there was hpnotiq and hennessy sweetheart?" David smiled bumping into me softly.

Anthony laughed out loud causing the few people who were in close enough proximity to turn and look "Sweetheart? Where?" This motherfucker I swear. "This girl right here?" He pulled me from being sandwiched between dumb and dumber too, wrapping his muscular arms around me causing me to collide into him strong frame, taking a moment to appreciate how well we fit together. Nope that's the alcohol talking, taking my free arm I tried and elbow him in the rib but he quickly grabbed  ahold before I could. "You see this if I wouldn't have stopped her she would of murdered me with that blow."

"If don't let me go in 3 seconds I'm going to murder you." He quickly let  holding his hands up in the air in surrender. "Here give me your drink." I grab the drink from David, sipping it.

"See I told you." rolling my eyes I strut passed the dudes, so happy my drink was starting to hit me and once I finished David's I would be good.

"Aww don't be that way Nevaeh!" Anthony followed after me pulling at my hand once more causing me to stop in the middle of the room "Seriously I'm glad you came. We were about to head outside why don't you chill with us I promise no funny business." Looking around the room watching people dance I nod my head feeling the drink warm my soul.

Stepping outside we all take a seat at one of the table Anthony had set out for the festivities. Although it was dark I knew right in front of me was the ocean, and I would die to be here during the day to just sit out and relax watching the waves.

"So this the is the black beauty you've mention?" One of his friend asked causing me to arch my brow at the comment he knew I hated comments like that but I decided to play along in my drunken stupor plus his friend was kind of fine so.

"Black beauty?" I question turning my attention back to friend who name I was told before we left the house but I had forgotten soon after.

He gave me his best smile "I mean he didn't use those words but you are black and quite the beauty, if I do say so myself." Why did the whites thought things like this was a compliment was beyond me.

I batted my eyelashes "So I gotta ask." I clapped my hand together swaying as the next song started playing, I needed to get up and dance soon.

"Shit bro you did it now" Anthony said winking at me crossing his muscular arms I could see out of my peripheral a few girls making their way over.

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