The guy got hit with the pea in the side of the face and I chuckled when he got a confused look on his face, looking around the room for where the mysterious pea had emerged from.

When Noah was finished, he pushed his tray in front of me with food still on it and I looked up at him, confused, "You can have it." He said. I shook my head, "No, thanks. I've seen how sanitary your eating skills are." I pushed his tray back over to him and he shook his head, shoving back in front of me, "I insist." He urged.

I stared at him, "No! I don't want your spit covered food." I refused, trying to push it back in front of him. Noah smacked my hand, "Throw it away then!" He demanded.

I raised my brows at his commanding tone, "I think you forgot something in that sentence, Noah." I snapped, glaring at him. Nathan let out a sarcastic hum as he gave me a fake smile, "Now." He decided, "Throw it away now, then." He nodded. I threw one of the peas at him, hitting him in the eye, "That's not how you say please." I said. "I get what I want. I don't need to say please." He huffed.

I scoffed, "I hope what you want is a smack to the face, 'cause I'm fixing to give you one." I threatened.

Noah sighed. "Fine. Will you please throw it away?" He asked, giving me a fake smile. I nodded, standing up with his tray in hand. As I was walking over to the trash can, I could feel my phone coming out of my pocket with each step and my mind instantly diverted to quickly putting this in the trash before my phone fell out.

It kept pushing out, my thighs helping it free and I balanced the tray in one hand as I looked down at my pocket while walking, attempting to push my phone back into my pocket. I quickly shoved the phone into place and by the time I looked up and saw a body in front of me, it was too late.  I crashed into a muscular back, spilling Noah's probably saliva covered lunch all over the back of the guys shirt. My mouth parted in surprise and I quickly stepped back, ready to apologize until the only word I knew was sorry, but then I realized who was in front of me.

Instantly, my heart dropped so low that I could practically feel it in my asshole.

The guy turned around, revealing his clenched jaw and angry brown eyes, hands curled into fists. His name was Reed, and perhaps I'd have found him hot if I didn't think he wanted to butcher me right now. He was hot, but that's not the point. He's scary, is the point. I hadn't ever talked to Reed before, nor had I ever wanted to and only because Reed was intimidating. He had a constant look on his face that read don't fucking look at me or I'll eat you. Okay, so maybe not those exact words but you get the gist. He didn't look friendly and from what I'd heard, he wasn't friendly.

"I-I.." I began stuttering like a complete idiot, my nerves getting the best of me as I shrunk back into myself. I'd never felt so small before. Reed stared down at me with a look of pure rage on his face, only pushing me further back into my shell. "I'm so sorry!" I squeaked out, clutching the empty tray to my chest as if it were armor and would protect me.

Reed glared at me, "What the fuck?" He hissed, looking ready to throttle me. He took a step forward and I scrambled back, clutching the tray tighter, "Please don't hurt me!" I said, my heart beating so fast that I thought it'd explode. I did not like confrontation or anger at all. Both terrified me and I was currently getting a two for one show.

He kept coming forward, and I shoved the tray into his chest forcefully when students began leaving for their next class. There was a crowd of people pushing now and I weaved between them, quickly grabbing my bag off of the floor where I'd been sitting. None of the guys had waited for me.

What great friends.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Reed practically shoving people to the ground, his eyes locked on me in a glare. I instantly booked it out of the cafeteria, scattering off to my sixth class of the day before Reed could catch and kill me. I was getting weird looks as I raced throughout the hallways, an urgent look on my face that many people probably thought meant I had to pee. It wasn't too far of a stretch since I almost peed myself when I saw who I'd spilled Noah's food on.

I hurried into choir, a class that I definitely shouldn't be in considering if I was told to sing and sound good or die, I'd die within the first word leaving my lips. Safe to say I can't sing at all. Drawing is more my forte.

Before I entered the class, I looked over my shoulder once more and saw Reed was literally following me. I made sure to lock the classroom door when I entered and closed it, acting casually as if I didn't do anything. Ms. Aleer had a rule about locking the classroom door, but then again so did the entire school.

I awkwardly stood off to the side, zoning out as I thought about the events that just happened.

Surely Reed wasn't too mad, right? It was an accident, after all. But what if he held grudges? What if the rumors were true and he wasn't friendly, but I'd just made it much worse by covering his white t-shirt in a bunch of chef-boyardee ravioli? What if he hated me now? I didn't like the idea of someone hating me, even someone as intimidating as Reed. I like to be liked.

I was cut out of my thoughts when Ms. Aleer shouted, "Who locked this door?!" I jolted in surprise, chewing on my lip anxiously and hoping nobody had seen me lock the door. I assumed nobody had because everyone shrugged, me included as I matched the confused expressions of everyone else. I paused and sat down in the chair as she opened the door, leaving it open.

Ms. Aleer took position at the front of the large room, grabbing a bunch of packets off a table, "These are your guides for this year. Don't lose it because I don't have enough to give extras out." She instructs, beginning to hand out the packets. I flipped through mine when I got mine and leaned back in my chair, crossing my arms over my chest with my legs out in front of me, ankles crossed. I was a little worried about what'd happen if Reed actually was mad at me. He wouldn't hurt me, right?

I liked to pretend like I'd hurt someone, but really, I was harmless. I knew it and so did everyone else. I never meant any of the mean shit I said, much less the empty threats I'd make. What if he thought I'd done that on purpose? Oh fuck, I hoped not. Maybe he wouldn't be mad if I just tried to explain that it was a misunderstanding, a complete accident. But what if that wasn't good enough? What if he didn't care and tried to wring my neck like a dishrag?

I was practically bubbling at the seams with nerves, running my thumb against the ring on my ring finger.

"Leila." Ms. Aleer called and my head snapped up, brows raised, "Yes?" I asked. "You're wanted in Mr. Block's office." She said, and I frowned in confusion. I hadn't done anything wrong, so what could he possibly want me for? Was I in trouble?

Everyone oohed like a bunch of fourth graders as I grabbed my bag and I rolled my eyes, leaving the class as I headed down the hallway. Unfortunately, Mr. Block's office was really far from Ms. Aleer's classroom, since her room was practically at the back of the school and his office was on the opposite side of the school. The hallways were silent, enough for me to hear the extra set of footsteps that made me look up from the ground.

My mouth popped open in surprise when I saw Reed rushing over to me, and I was so stupefied that I just stumbled back into a wall, as if it'd just swallow me whole and save me.

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