Chapter Five: The Magical Residence

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A/N: Hey guys! Here I am with yet another chapter to my ff! I hope you'll like it! If you did, tell me your thoughts in the comments!
(I sound like a youtuber lol😂)
Anyway, enjoy!! ❤
Previously On By The Water:
It's high water week and Matthew is bored out of his mind. Stephanie finds out that the orphanage she used to live in isn't runner by the evil Frank and goes there with Matthew by her side. What will happen there? Read to find out!
Few hours later, when the sun was about to set, Stephanie and Matthew were standing in front of the building that made Stephanie to turn from a cute four year old girl to a thief. Matthew could feel Stephanie's shaking body from beside him, so he put his arm around her, as if protecting her. "Are you ok?" Matthew asked, even though he already knew the answer.

"No, I'm not. This horrible place turned me into a freaking criminal... But if what Rony said is true,then I have nothing to be afraid of...right?" She asked nervously, and all Matt did was to smile at her. She heaved a breath and then nodded, signaling him that they should probably go there. They went to the front door, and with shaky hands, Stephanie knocked on the door.

"Just a moment!" A familiar voice yelled, and Stephanie's vision was blured by the tears. The door opened, and a short girl that looked about their age, opened the door. The smile that was on her face slowly turned into a shocked expression. "Stephanie? I-is that really you?" She asked as he came closer to touch Stephanie's cheek, probably to check that it's not her mind playing tricks on her.

"Hello Maria, long time no see." She said as the tears were finally out. Not wasting any time, the girl that was named Maria, took Stephanie into a bone crushing hug, both of them cries in happiness. "What are you doing here? Where were you all this time? And who is this guy?" Maria asked her those questions one after the other, not even leaving her time to answer. "I'll tell you later, now all I want is to see my friends. Where are they anyway?" Stephanie asked and then walked in, followed by maria and Matthew.

She wanted to walk towards the old sleeping area, just when she realized it. The house was completely different. The blue and white design was replaced to white and rainbow everywhere. The big red staircase that led to the second floor was moved to the other side, and the area where the cell of punishment used to be was replaced with multiple sits and a tv.

The place looked happier, and stephanie couldn't help but let the tears show her true excitement and happiness. "Yeah, Nicholas and Sky changes everything. They wanted to make sure that we know that this is a new beginning and that our life are going back on track." Maria said with a smile, and Matthew just looked around the big house. The house looked so beautiful that he couldn't think about how this place can be a place of nightmares.

"Nick, please let us go there, it's going to be great for the band! Even Sky said so!" A blonde girl and boy that  both seemed about Maria's age walked in, along with a grown and buff man. "Sorry jasmine, but me and sky have to take care of something and there's no one to watch over the little ones." The man said, and the girl that was apparently named jasmine and also the boy next to her had a frown on their faces. "Are they in a band?" He thought, but a small cough from Stephanie's direction made them stop their conversation and turn her way.

A big smile was formed on Nick's and the  blonde boy's face except for jasmine who went pale to the sight of the girl she thought she lost forever. "Stephanie!!" Jasmine shouted and went to hug her right, just like Maria did, who at the moment was next to them smiling like a "dumb dumb". "What are you doing here!? I thought we lost you forever?!" Jasmine asked impatiently.

"Actually, Ron called a few days and I thought it was the right time to come and visit." Stephanie said and pointed at the blonde boy, who was apparently that Rony who called her. Rony smiled and went to hug her as well, making Matthew, who was still unnoticed by the others, a little uncomfortable. He felt bad for being jealouse over a simple friendly hug, but something in him felt like he was thrown to the middle of the ocean without anything to hold onto or to keep him from drowning.

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