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Yan Da clenched her fists. She stood up about to leave but Shi blocked her way. "You can't tell me?" He asked with a pleading look in his eyes. He wanted to know. Is it true? That child is it theirs? Did that mean that she belonged to him too?

His heart had been beating unusually since he first saw her. He didn't want to leave her. It hurts when he did. So, every time he stayed by her side. He didn't understand the feelings he has for her and Ka Suo too. The feelings were strong. They confused him. He only knew one thing. He's happy when he's with them.

Though, he always said that Ka Suo is just his food. He didn't mean it. The other meant much more than that. Yan Da is too. Much stronger than what he felt for Ka Suo. It burned down to his innocent heart, searing it completely. "Yan Da?"

She avoided his gaze. His eyes softened in sorrow and pain. He could feel her uncertainty and fear. "I did something unforgivable didn't I?" He asked. Her widened eyes confirmed it. He smiled bitterly, looking down. "I'm sorry." He whispered before disappearing into the deicide sword.

(^_^) (^_^) (^_^)

Yan Da felt herself froze when he heard him say those words. "Ying Kong Sh-..." she started but was already too late he was already in the deicide. She bit her lip, digging her nails into her palm. She didn't want him to know. She'd rather kept what happened between them that night to herself.

"Yan Da..."

She gasped, blinking the tears away. "I didn't want to keep it as a secret." She told Ka Suo and the others. "Because I didn't want Ying Kong Shi to remember anything. If he did, he would never forgive himself."

Ka Suo looked at the others. "You should go and rest." They nodded, giving them privacy. When they're gone, he pulled her into his arms. He understood. He sighed. What a complicated life they have...

Meanwhile, inside the deicide sword...

Shi screamed in agony as flashes of unwanted memories were unlocked inside his mind. He forced it. He wanted to know what he did. As it came one by one, his hate for himself became stronger.

"Argh! Yan Da!!!" He called out in misery. "I'm sorry!!!"


The deicide sword shook. A black aura was coming out of it. In a flash, it was gone.

(^_^) (^_^) (^_^)

"Ying Kong Shi!"


Ka Suo and Yan Da called out when the sword passed by them. They tried to stop it but then it threw them off the boat. Before it completely disappeared.

With Yuan Ji...

A victorious laugh left his lips when the deicide sword landed in front of him. His son finally succumbed to his dark thoughts. He had been waiting. He then raised an arm up. Slowly, his son's form materialized in front of him.

He smirked. Time to see how strong their bond really is?

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