Tian Xing

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"Ying Kong Shi?" Yan Da called out, going near the fairy who was quietly sitting on the side of the boat. The fairy looked at her but then quickly set his eyes somewhere else. Her brow rose at the unusual act. "What's wrong?" She asked, sitting down beside him.

Shi's whole body then became red when he heard the question. "I-it's nothing." He replied still not looking at her.

"If it's about what happened with Yuan Ji, none of that was your fault."

Shi shook his head.

"Then what is it?" Yan Da prodded. Shi looked down. The aura around him became a deeper red. He bit his lip.

"Y-... you and Ka Suo... You didn't tell me that you are mates."

Yan Da was shocked at the statement but then a teasing smile curved her lips. "You, naughty fairy. You saw us didn't you?"

Shi's form became redder. "I-... i-it's n-not m-my fault t-that you t-two woke me up!" He defended himself, blushing even more, remembering what he saw. Now, he really looked like a tomato. Yan Da laughed. He was so cute.

But then stopped when she saw the others with an unconscious Xing Jiu. "What's wrong?" She quickly asked going to them. "Xing Jiu?" Before she could touch him, a dark aura covered his form.

"Yuan Ji!" Yan Da growled. A dark laugh then filled the air.

"It's seems like you are doing well. That's good. I wouldn't want my meal to be in bad condition. Princes... no. Queen Yan Da, how about surrendering now? If you do, I'll be merciful and will let your people go even Ka Suo."

Yan Da let out a sarcastic laugh. "Do you really think that I'll believe those words of yours? I knew that you hate our tribes. Once you have my soul, you'll be revived. Next thing you'll do is to destroy all of the tribes. I'm not stupid Yuan Ji."

Again, Yuan Ji's laugh filled the air. "Indeed. However, let's see if you'll continued being stubborn once you see this..."

A screen then formed in the sky, showing little Tian Xing who was deep asleep.

Liao Jian and Luna glared hatefully at "Xing Jiu". "You are a coward, Yuan Ji. Using an innocent child as bait."

"Heh. I don't care about your opinions." He replied, waving his arms again. The image then moved towards the balcony. A dark figure then emerged from there, looking at the baby hungrily. "Now, Your Majesty, what's your decision? Your soul or the life of your child and Ying Kong Shi?"

Huang Tuo's eyes widened at the revelation. Ying Kong Shi... is Tian Xing's biological dad!? Even the others were surprised but didn't show it.

But Yan Da's reaction and words surprised them even more, she smirked. "Go on. Do it."

"Xing Jiu's" eyes narrowed. Is she mocking him? He growled in despise. With a flick of his finger, the beast attacked. To the group's amazement though, three familiar energies combined, protecting the sleeping prince.

"What!?" Yuan Ji growled. Yan Da laughed. "Do you really think that I would leave my son unprotected?"

He hissed, looking at the screen. Li Luo, Lan Shang and Xing Gui smirked smugly, defeating the beast easily. Before Yan Da followed Ka Suo and the group into the Sacred Snow Mountain, she visited the three. It was tough considering their pasts but after talking and fighting they came into an understanding. The three accepted that Yan Zhu who was their friend and queen is actually Yan Da, the fire princess and their enemy.

Yuan Ji then left Xing Jiu's body screaming in frustration. "You still haven't won, Queen of the ice tribe! Your soul is mine!"

She ignored it, focusing on Xing Jiu instead. Quickly removing Yuan Ji's malevolent energy in him. When his energy became purely his own again, she stopped, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Yan Da..." a small voice then said, getting her attention. She gulped when she saw the serious expression on the fairy's face. "What did he mean by your child and Ying Kong Shi's?"

A simple question but she felt like the earth and heaven were against her especially when she saw Ka Suo came out of the room. By his expression, he heard it too. 

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