Remembering the Good

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Blake was walking through the halls of Beacon's dorms towards yours. She had a few textbooks in her hands and her bow on nice and tight. There was an excitement in her eyes.

Blake: (Thinking) This will be fine. Right. Just go in there, study with him. No harm done. Using some of Yang's flirt tactics? No. Remember what Weiss and Ruby said. Be yourself. He'll like that, right. I hope so-(out loud)oof!

Blake feel to the ground with her books lining the ground.

Blake: Sorry. Got dis-oh no.

Standing before her was Cardin Winchester and the rest of Team CRDL.

Cardin: Look at that, the little fipper.

Blake didn't respond, just gathered up her books. Before she could grab her last, her personal one, Cardin step on it, keeping it at the ground.

Cardin: Now, see. What you did wasn't very kind to us Belladonna. It's something that needs an apology.

Blake: Apologize? For bullying my friend.

Cardin: Yeah, friend. Boys!

Lark and Dove run to Blake and grabbed her arms, keeping her in place. Russel ran up behind her and decided to sniff her hair and kissed her neck. Cardin just stood her and chuckled to himself. However, he heard the floorboards behind him creek a bit. Turning around, he was met with your fist to his face.

You flipped over Blake and kicked Russel's face before shoving Dove and Lark off of Blake. You caught her from falling and gently placed her on the ground. You looked back at Team CRDL, anger in your eyes.


You had woken up from your nap after around 3 hours of sleep. Inside your room was Gure, watching a video on his scroll. Needless to say, he heard you yawn awake.

Gure: Hey, Buddy.

(Y/N): Hey, Gure. Where are everyone else?

Gure: Burly and Silver went down for a sparing match.

(Y/N): Oh.

You suddenly had a bad feeling in your stomach when the events from earlier that day took part. You clutched your stomach in pain and Gure took notice.

Gure: You ok?

(Y/N): I just feel awful.

Gure: Well, why?

(Y/N): I don't know. I didn't eat anything bad.

Suddenly, the thought of Blake comes to mind and feel even more sick. Gure caught sight of this and smirks, knowing why.

Gure: Worried about what you did today with Blake?

(Y/N): How did you-

Gure: Same feeling happened to me when I lived in Vacuo. There was this one girl, geez she wilded me up all the time. Whenever I did something bad near her, oh lordy, my stomach was turning left and right.

(Y/N): So...what did you do to stop it?

Gure: I went to her and we just talked. I never told her how I felt, but believe me man, if I could see her again...I would tell her. Or at least spend some more time with her.

(Y/N): S-Should I go and talk to her?

Gure: I don't see why not.

(Y/N): O-Ok. S-Should I be nervous or-or, j-just-

Gure: Just go and spend some time. Also, work on that stutter. It's getting worse.

(Y/N): S-sorry.

Blake Belladonna X Shy Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now