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Today was a big day for Seongwoo and Minhyun. 

It was finally the day of their exam. 

Seongwoo met at the regular bus stop an hour prior to the exam. 

And during their ride, they went over the exam topics and played a quiz game to see how much they knew. 

Seongwoo was a curious boy; always wanting to try or learn something new. 

He knew that no matter what happened after this exam, he and Minhyun would have to keep moving forward. 

They would have to open new doors, and they would have to keep doing new things. 

Because they were curious. 

And curiosity would keep leading them down new paths. 

The two boys were silent with seriousness and hushed, quick speaking. 

They were confident; they believed they had nothing to lose. 

''No, I don't think a police would do that.'' 

''Um, Minhyun, they would. If there was a fight they'd either one, get involved. 

Or two, they'd try to scare them off.'' 

''How would they scare them off, Seongwoo?'' 

''Think. They have a gun. Simple as that.'' 

''You're obnoxious.'' 

Seongwoo groaned at Minhyun. 

He wasn't helping lessen the stress he felt. 

And he knew that he was probably correct. 

But he couldn't give up now; not now, not ever. 

He would have to just keep swimming

His dream profession wasn't an easy one, but it was simply exciting to him. 

And he guessed that maybe the right path isn't always the easiest one. 

Maybe things weren't meant to be easy from the start. 

Maybe it was destined for him to get lost. 

Maybe there's a reason.

He may never know that reason. 

But that was okay. 

He had to focus on the uneasiness that was now: his exam. 

The exam hall was deadly quiet and painfully cold. 

He felt the blood in his body stop and freeze. 

Minhyun who sat at the desk to his left mouthed to him: 

''Good luck,''

He said. 

''No matter what we all love you.'' 

He said. 


He said with a smile. 

''Good luck to you, too.'' 

Seongwoo told him. 

''No matter what happens, we'll love you, too.'' 

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