Her hair turned a light yellow, almost white.

"We're still not sure what that means." Vicky said.

"Aw, Vic, it only means somethings clicked." Teddy said.

"Or she's bored." Remus laughed.

"That too." Teddy grinned.

"Come here, cutie." Tonks said.

Teddy handed her to his mum.

Tonks looked like she was in heaven.

"Oh man." Harry muttered.

"What?" Everyone cried.

"The dang thing broke when we were coming here. Were stuck." Harry groaned.

"Well, we can just call home, we left the mirror with Percy and George for a reason, right?" Ron asked.

"This was the only time turner in the ministry, it could take them weeks to find another one." Harry said.

"Not good." Ron muttered.

Liz gave him her mirror and he went to call Percy. The twins, Molly and Lucy followed so they could talk to their dads.

"Well, let's get rooms rearranged." Mrs. Weasley said.

Future Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione were in one room, and Teddy, Vicky and Amélie in another.


Mel woke up early and did what she always did when she spent the night at Grimmauld place(H and G sometimes go there when they don't want there house destroyed by crazy nieces and nephews). She got up and went downstairs.

"Grandmum?" She said, softly. Past Ginny jumped and turned around.

"That is going to get some getting used to." She muttered, but smiled. "How'd you know it was me and not Lily?"

"Your hair is longer than Lily's." Mel said.

"You are so smart, aren't you?" Ginny said, picking her up.

Her hair turned from a light grey to a bubblegum pink.

"And pretty, too. You got your mummy's Veela in you, didn't you?"

Mel burst into a fit of giggles and Ginny couldn't help but giggle too.

"Dear God, I didn't know it was possible." Ginny heard a voice say.

Past Harry stood in the doorway.

"Ginny Weasley can giggle." He said.

"Oh shut your face, Harry." Mel's eyes widened. She'd never heard her grandmother talk like that, especially to her grandfather.

"What did I say?" Ginny asked.

"Harry and I don't talk like that in front of the little kids." Future Ginny said, coming in. "James got too good at repeating us. We were afraid he'd repeat the wrong word and it would not look good." She said, taking Mel from her past self.

"Oh, sorry." Ginny flushed.

"It's ok." Harry watched Future Ginny play with the little girl.

Ginny smiled at him and he turned a bright red colour. "Come on, Melie-belly Let's go get some breakfast."

"Hi Ginny's, hello Harry." Liz said coming in.

"Hello, Lizzy." Future Ginny eyed her hand.

"Pretty isn't it?" Liz giggled.

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