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'I am so dead.' Victoire thought as they landed in 1995. She picked up her eldest daughter and followed her aunts and uncles inside.

"Dad! Mum!" Teddy, Lily, James, Al, Rose and Hugo ran to their parents. Lucy, Molly, the twins, Liz and Scorpius held back until the families called them into the hugs.

"Vic!, Amélie!" Teddy said, seeing them. He ran and hugged them.

"Daddy!" Amélie held her arms out to her dad.

"Hello my precious girl." He said, squeezing her tight.

"Daddy, I knew Grandpa would find you!" Mel said.

Future Harry smiled. "And I did, didn't I beautiful?"

Mel(thts what I'm gonna call her)giggled as picked her and tickled her. Past Ginny smiled. Harry was really good with kids.

"He'll be yours soon." Future Ginny whispered in her ear.

She looked startled, but her future self just winked at her.

"Ugh, I haven't seen this place look this bad in forever."(Ginny and Harry used to live there before they learned about Potter manor). Future Ginny complained.

Future Harry rolled his eyes.

"Rosie!" Mel cried. "Auntie Lizzy!" Both girls smiled and Rose took her. All the girls crowded around her.

Teddy pulled Harry aside. "Dad, why did you let them come?"

"You know Vic wouldn't let me leave her, and I didn't know Mel was coming." He said.

"Where are Remus and Aimée?" Teddy asked

"Dom and Louis are watching them at the house, they were supposed to be watching Mel too, but I guess she escaped."

Teddy sighed. "That girl is more stubborn than her mother."

Mel looked at her dad and her hair turned pink.

"Ha! Is my girl happy?" Teddy asked, picking her up.

"Her hair's been blue lately." Vicky whispered.

"Did you miss daddy?"

She nodded, and her pink hair and eyes flashed ocean blue.

"Wow! She's one too?" Tonks asked.

"Yeah, for now her eyes and hair only change with her moods, pink means happy, ocean blue means sad, fire-red means angry, purple means excited, yellow means cheerful, and white when she's playing innocent." Vicky said.

"Wow." Tonks looked at her granddaughter. "What color does she usually keep it?"

"Sapphire blue. She likes that color a lot." Vic said.

Teddy changed his eyes and hair and Mel copied him, her hair going back to that glittering blue.

She looked over to Tonks, whose eyes were a different shade of blue.

"Daddy, who's that?" She asked.

"That's your Grandmum."

"No she's not, that's Grandmummy." She pointed to future Ginny.

"That's my real mum. Grandmum Ginny isn't really my mum, remember?" Teddy said.

Amélie looked too confused, her hair turning three different colors.

"Poor thing!" Tonks said.

"This is Grandmum Tonks, remember the picture of her and Grandpa Remus?"

The Time TurnerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя