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book tws;


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edited v.

"How are you feeling, Taehyung?"

"I feel awful, like I always do. Say you took a dog, a sick one. Yeah take a sick dog, kick it to the curb and shoot it. Then leave it out a few days, don't feed it either."

Was he being dramatic with his internal feelings? Well, some could say that. He was a dramatic person, but he liked to be that way. He thought if he could stay brave then being dramatic was not a flaw. It was merely a trait of himself.

"Be honest with me."

"When am i?"

The girl with short, black hair stomped her foot, she had been circling Taehyung for a few hours, following the mindless, purposeless boy around the streets, hoping for small talk or entertainment, neither were given.

"You are so boring, Taehyung."

Taehyung scoffed, taking a sip of his drink, then returning back to scanning over the books and research of his papers that were due quite soon, but he had made the process of completing them idle due to his group he went to after school.


Taehyung closed the book, bringing the drink to his chapped lips, taking a long, savoring sip, preparing for what was to come from the girl's mouth.


"I've heard some stuff floating around that you are apart of something. You think I could catch a ride to one of your meetings, yeah? You think that would be fun?" The girl let her hand fell to Taehyung's knee, rubbing small circles into it.

"Well, time is up, hope you enjoyed your stay." Taehyung said rather harshly as he pushed the hand from his knee. "All you are is a waste of my time, and quite frankly, time being wasted is not on my agenda."

That was the only thing that pissed off Taehyung most, never be the one to waste his time.



i know its different and weird but that's how i want it to be.

love, sam. :)

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