Meeting his family gone wrong...

Start from the beginning

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I was all set, all I need to do is help August find something to wear. I tell ya, sometimes I feel more like his stylist than his girlfriend...

After I laid out his clothes and he got dressed, he cooked me my favorite red velvet pancakes with cream cheese to go on top and my favorite bacon, beef bacon.

"Mmmmmmm, this is so good!" I licked  my whole plate clean.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." He took my emply plate and kissed the side of my head. I got up and put on my shoes while August grabbed the car keys and headed out of the door.
As we were walking to the car, August said "Are you nervous?"

"Yeah. Really nervous. What if she doesn't like me?" He grabbed my hand and looked me in my eye.

"If my mama isn't happy with me dating someone that is as unique and beautiful as you, then so be it. I'm not going to be with some stuck up rich  daddy's girl to please her. I wanna be with you and you only." After that he pecked my lip and opened my door, make sure I got in and got in on his side.

I hope she likes me...

1 and a half a hour later~

We made it to his mom's boyfriend house here in San Francisco. I sigh and August grabbed my hand.

"You'll be alright. Don't stress so much." He opened my door and we walked up the walk way and before he could knock his mother opened the door.

"Ohh August it's so great to see yo-." She stoped her sentence and looked me up and down in disgust. I look down at my feet and August squeezed my hand.

"What is...that?" I wanted to cry. DoI really look that bad?

"Ma, she's not a thing, she is a person and her name is Amina." I look at him and smiled. His mom rolled her eyes and stepped aside to let us in. His sister in law was sitting on the couch and her eyes lit up when she saw me. At least she likes me.

"Oh hello! I'm cha cha! Your so gorgeous hun." She pulled me into a tight, warming hug.

"So, what's your name?"

"My name is Amina."

"That's gorgeous! I don't think I've ever met a Amina." I giggled.

"Your so pretty, and unique. If you don't mind me asking, what are  those patches on your body?"

"I have Vitiligo, it's a skin condition that causes my immune system to go up to my skin surface and they start to attack my skin cells. The skin cell is now weak or dead so I loose my melanin and it's just non melanin patches. It's not contagious or anything like that."

"Thank god." Augs mom mumbles under her breath. Why is she so mean to me?

"Don't mind her, but that's a very beautiful thing that you have! I'm sure that the girls will love you."

"She is not going anywhere near my grandbabies. She might scare them." At that point I just wanted to cry. But I'm not no weakling so I didn't but I can admit that was very hurtful and I was down.

"Why do you have to be so mean ma? Amina hasn't done anything to you and your treating her like crap. Like I said before, I am not going to date Amber. She's so stuck up and conceded and treats everyone like shit because her dad is the top lawyer in San Francisco!"

"But August she likes you! She'll do anything to be with you!" Oh no. That means more drama.

"I don't care. You only see the money in everything. That's why you can barely keep a relationship because you act like a gold digger! I have enough to provide for myself and my family!" By now August was heated so I pulled him down in a big and rubbed his back to calm him down. That's always calmed him down when I do it.

"Shhh. Shhhhh. It's okay, calm down." His muscles calmed down and he rested his head on my shoulder. He calmed down and continued calmly.

"Why can't you ever be happy for me ma? That's all I ask. I do not want to date your boyfriends daughter. I want to be with Amina." Just then, this girl walks in. Not going to lie she was cute, but not beautiful. Her hair was a little stiff and mattered into a "sleek ponytail", she had on purple business pants with cheetah print heels and a orange blazer and a matching silk purple top on. Her make up was good, but her eyebrows were crazy.

I guess once she saw I was holding August hand and calming him, she realized I was his girlfriend she had the meanest mug on her face.

"August! What is... That thing ?" This time I was fed up. She's around our age so I can talk to her any type of way.

"Im Amina, I have a name that you now know so use it, and I'm not a thing, I am a woman, a person." She looked a little taken back by my words.

"Me and August is saposed to be together! What happened Ms. Sheila!"

"He's being too stubborn and he's going to miss out on a good thing messing with this alien." They both started laughing.

At that point I just let all my tears fall down my face. I hug cha cha and run out of the house and down the street. I don't know where I'm going but I needed to leave.

The dark sky falls over San Francisco and I don't know where I'm at. My phone is dead too. I was walking on the side of the highway and I felt someone grab me and pull me into the forest.


Oh no! Where could Mina be? Who's after her? Find out in the next chapter!🐸☕

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