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Nagisa's mom gathered her pieces and pulled herself together, standing up on her numb knees, her hand falling to the wall for support. She walked over to Nagisa and his father, her eyes never once leaving her son. She felt so horrible about the whole incident, and they didn't even have a clue on what was happening to Nagisa. 

Nagisa's dad looked up at her and immediately looked back down. She grimaced, she knew it was hard for him to look at her, she had been a horrible wife, and a horrible mother. She prayed for a second chance, but she knew the world would never answer to her wishes. Fate didn't play by what people wanted, it was a rebel, it always chose the opposite direction, no matter how many people may cry for it to stop.  

It's just how the world works.

A doctor came in, along with a nurse. They looked resentful as if they had something horrible to say. And they did.

" Mr and Mrs Shiota? ",

the nurse spoke up, her voice weak and hesitant. Nagisa's parents' attention crawled onto the woman. She shook her head and walked out, tears in her eyes. 

Nagisa's parents went pale.

The doctor could barely meet eyes with Nagisa's parents, he looked reluctant. 

" We are unsure of this... But we believe that the cause of this is... Well... A suicide attempt. ",

he said, his voice dripping with sorrow. Nagisa's parents felt their world burning away right before their eyes. Their baby tried to kill himself? not possible... Right? He's a cheerful, cool-headed and calm child... Right? 

Nagisa's mom broke down again, and Nagisa's father grew angry. The doctor dismissed himself and saw to other patients.  

Nagisa's father shot up from his seat,

" This... this is all your fault! If... If you weren't so hard on him! He wouldn't... He wouldn't... ",

He began to cry again, staring at his son's corpse-like body. Nagisa's mother silently agreed as she sobbed. 

Mr. Karasuma and Mrs. Jelavic came in, 

" Listen, it wasn't a suicide attempt... We have some news for you... ",

Mr. Karasuma said gently,

" The kids were poisoned by a man by the name of Akira Takaoka... So Nagisa and the rest of the students met up with him to receive the antidote... But he had to fight for it... ",

" WHAT?!! ",

Nagisa's mom yelled. Mrs. Jelavic continued,

" Takaoka must've managed to cut Nagisa while he was defending himself... ",

Mrs. Jelavic finished. Nagisa's parents were fuming, but Nagisa's dad was curious about one thing,

" Did he win? ",

Nagisa's mom scoffed at him and began yelling at him until Mr. Karasuma cut her off.

" He won without much effort, a student sent me a video of the fight, do you wish to see it? ",

he asked. Nagisa's dad nodded. Mr. Karasuma smiled and showed him the video. Nagisa's father frowned when Nagisa was getting his ass kicked, but smiled when Nagisa began fighting back. 

Overall, he was surprised and proud of his son for being badass. Nagisa's mom, on the other hand, was more focused on how he almost killed that man. 

" That explains the bruises on his face... But not the cut... ",

She said. Nagisa's dad agreed. 

Karma ran in,

" is he alright?! ",

he yelled. Everyone stared at him. Nagisa's dad smiled at him and nodded. Karma sighed, relieved by the good news. He walked up to Nagisa and grimaced at the sight of him, tears building up in his eyes again. He took Nagisa's hand and sat down on the chair by his bed and began to cry silently. The adults watched him with grief. Nagisa's mom walked up to him and patted his back, calming him down.

Just as Karma put Nagisa's hand to his face, Nagisa opened his eyes. 

Karma, Nagisa's mom and dad, Mr. Karasuma, and Mrs. Jelavic gawked at him. Nagisa flashed a weak smile and opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by his mother, who was smiling brightly with tears flowing down her face, screaming out "thank God" and hugging him. Nagisa's dad rushed over and hugged him, too. Nagisa tried to wrap his arms around his parents, but his whole body was numb, he could barely lift a finger. He began to panic and his heart monitor sky-rocketed. 

A doctor and two nurses ran in to stabilize him after they did so, they told him it was because he was on Opioids, a very strong painkiller. According to the doctor, Nagisa's body was too frail to handle such strong medication and it numbed itself out. This, obviously, made Nagisa's parents flip their shit, so the doctor reassured them that he's perfectly fine. 

" It's great that he can't fell the pain and all, but what is actually happening to him? ",

Karma asked, kicking up a "sarcastic and careless" facade. The doctor sighed,

" We're still waiting on the lab results, but I have a theory; I believe Nagisa has been poisoned by a lab-made toxin that entered his body via a flesh wound. I am unsure of this hypothesis, but it's really all we can come up with at the moment... Not until his results are in... I am truly sorry... ",

He bowed his head as a form of an apology. Nagisa, his parents, Karma, Mr. Karasuma, and Mrs. Jelavic stood for a moment, shocked by what they've just heard. It took them a moment to fully register what had just been said. And when it did, it truly did. 

Nagisa's mom broke down, yet again and Nagisa's dad couldn't produce any more tears, so he just looked down at the ground in despair. Karma's facade shattered and he let tears slip from his eyes. Nagisa layed there, unsure of how to react, should he be angry? sad? happy that he doesn't have to kill Korosensei? or should he play cold and empty? Nothing made sense anymore to him, reality became a blur, a slur of what's real and what's not, blending into some sort of fucked up dream. 

" ...gisa?! ",

" Nagisa?! ",

Nagisa blinked and looked over at his mom, blinking at her once more. He mustered up a tiny, sheepish smile as if he wasn't just lost in himself. The doctor left with a bow, saying he was off to check the laboratory for any good news, and the nurses needed to tend to other patients, so they left, too. 

Karma wrapped his arms around Nagisa and cried into him, which surprised everyone, even Karma himself. But he didn't care, he knew his best friend may be dying, and he has no way of stopping it. Nagisa hated that his body was numb, he wished that he could wrap his arms around Karma and rub soothing circles on his back to calm him down. But, alas, he was frozen in place, his body refused to move and his mind begged for it to move, even in the slightest. It never answered his mind's pleas, of course, for that would mean his life would go swimmingly for once. And fate was never on his side.


Because fate is a cruel beast without a heart.

Poisonous Toxins {Karma x Nagisa} [DISCONTINUED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora