Nightmares are dreams too

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"Ma, what's gonna happen?" The squeaky voice echoed through the endless black abyss "Ma?" The little ginger haired boy spoke turning his head to look at his mother who was just behind him. Bang the sound of a gunshot rung in his ears, as the sound of a million high pitched bells runs in his little ears the colour red painted the once black walls. "Ma?" The simple word bounced of the the walls echoing "m-mo you need to run" a lady with fiery red hair spoke spitting out blood with each word "MA!" The young boy screamed out in fear for his mother who was soon to die "Mo, run" she said simply pushing the boy forward "No I- i can't leave without you!" Tears gliding down his face as he stuttered out the noble sentence "Yes you can and you will" his mother shouted at him "I lost my sister to your father I will NOT loss you to him as well!" She continued  yelling at the poor boy terrified and confused on what was happening, a soft hand with thin slender fingers was placed on on the right cheek of his face and the pale thumb whipping away the tears that overflowed from his eye lids " l love you mo gaunshan" the boy grabbed a hold of the hand that was placed on his aface and gripped it as if he was hanging on for his life and with all the remaining strength he pulled the limp body by her left arm, dragging her across the floor trying to get her to safety BANG, BANG, BANG three more gunshots went off and finally one last gun shot and everything went back the black.

GASP! Mo's eyes shot open as the air came rushing into his lung flooding then with oxygen. Droplets of sweat were speckled all over his face  and his white shirt drenched in the same bodily fluid "haaa" mo sighed out and the stinging feeling of tears stabbed at the back of his eye lids and soon he gave in and let the tears flow down his cheeks after a few minutes of venting and sobbing he wiped his eyes dry and changed into his school clothes and slid his arms into the sleeves of his jacket and flung his bag over his shoulders and walked out of his home wearing a blank expression.

When he arrived at school he tried his best to avoid others and it worked for the first two periods until the last person on earth he wanted to see just happened to pop up out of nowhere, "MO MO!" As the raven haired boy spoke he slid his arm over the back of his shoulders but as soon as he did so mo spat out "it's just mo and I'm NOT in the mood for your bullshit so go find someone else to fuck around with cause I don't wanna deal with your dumbass today" but as soon as the words came out he instantly regretted his choice of words. The raven haired boys calm expression changed in a heart be to a grim dark expression in the blink of an eye a hand wrapped around mo's bottom jaw and was tightly squeezed it "he tian please just for today  leave me alone" mo begged " you don't get to tell me what to do and what not to do , I'll fuck around with you when ever I fucking please!" He tian yelled at him. Mo scrunched his eye closed and turned his face away preparing for impact but it never came instead some warm and soft pressed itself agains mo's lips in confusion he opened his eyes it took a few seconds for realisation to set in
He's kissing me. HE'S FUCKING KISSING ME! Mo screamed in his mind, scrunching his face up he brought his fist back and swung and collided with his cheek with he tian stunned mo regained his composure and spat out the words "disgusting" and walked away "do yo really hate it that much?" He tian asked mo he turn around and he had such a dark expression even he tian was startled "I hate it beyond words can explain" mo spat out at him in response and turned around and continued walking away from him. And for the rest of the day mo was not annoyed by he tian, as the day came to an end he received a phone call and he answered it.
"mo? Mo gaunshan?" A feminine voice came through "yeah?" Mo questioned the female voice on the other end of the line "I- ahh t-there's been an incident involving your mother and we would like you to come over immediately" the voice was shy and small Barely  Audible over his racing heart and within a matter of seconds mo hung up the phone and sprinted his way to the hospital.
Bursting through the doors of the white building he took note of all the doctors and nurses rushing sliver the place. He walked straight past the reception desk and straight to the room where his mother was, it was starting to get  hard for him to breathe carefully pushing the doors open to the room filled with machines and a male performing CPR on mo's mother and as soon as the nurses in the room noticed mo the familiar female voice "guanshan come with me please" the female escorted mo from the room "what's wrong?, why are they doing CPR on her?, is she going to be okay?!" Mo asked so many questions with out looking a the young female but trying to see what was going on in the room just in front of him "mo, they are trying to stabilise her so she can undergo surgery" she calmly said "SURGERY?! SURGRY FOR WHAT?!" Mo started to yell scared for his mother the only person he cared about could be dying. " Mr guanshan please calm down" the lady said "CALM DOWN MY MUM IS DYING AND YOU WANT ME TO 'CALM DOWN'?" Mo yelled louder than before panic taking over and his fingers sliding through his hair "sir please you hyperventilating, you need to slow your breathing rate down" the young lady said putting her hands up to try and comfort him. He tried to do so but every time he calmed just a bit the image of his mother laying lifeless on the ground just like from his dream he panicked even more to the point his vision was blacking out. Looking around, looking a way out of his panic his eyes shoot to the entry way and standing there is a lean figure 'why is HE here?' Mo asked himself. As soon as the figure started to walk in mo's directing mo's vision became one solid colour the all too familiar colour black.


This is my first fanfitction.
And I thought I'd make it a 19 days one because there aren't enough of them out there soo....
here I am
Oh and by the way later on in the story the WILL be smut between mo and he tian so if you aren't into that kind of thing don't read it Kay? Welp

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