Chapter 7

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~next day~
Holy shit! Today is the audition.. I'd practiced the whole last night. Only my mom got to see it. Because of course it is Marcus, Martinus and Kjell-Erik who is gonna judge today! Oml, I really don't wanna fail! I'm so nervous..


"You want some pancakes, sweetie?" My mom asked when I got downstairs. I immediately nod. It's really important to eat if you're gonna have an audition. And you also need a lot of protein.

"You excited, Zoe?" Kjell-Erik asked. I nodded eager with my mouth full of pancakes and Nutella.

"Yea. Yesterday I'd practiced the whole day" I said after chewing and swallowing my pancake.

I looked over at Marcus and Martinus. They were just sitting there and eating. I don't think they cared so much about the audition. They were just focusing on their food.

"Marcus? Martinus? Are you excited??" Their dad asked. They nodded while eating their pancakes. "I bet Zoe is the best dancer" Martinus said when he had swallowed his bite. I started blushing.

"I don't think so. I'm probably the worst dancer" I said and looked down at my food. "I already know you're the best" Martinus says back. I started to blushing more. "No.. You haven't seen me yet" I said. He chuckled.

"Well.. Maybe I saw a little bit while your door was open yesterday.." he mumbled. I looked shocked at him. "What? Why??" I asked more shocked then mad. And I wasn't mad at all.

"It was tempting, and besides, you were pretty good tho" he said and winked at me. I didn't say anything back, but finished eating my pancake.

Marcus haven't said a word. Ugh, what would he said? ' Last night, I started to make out with Anna. It was so good' Ew. Why am I even thinking about this?


I was in the car with the whole Gunnarsen family. Mom couldn't come with us because she was going to work later. We were driving past the streets in LA. Ohh, there is so many places I haven't been. But it looks nice tho!

"When are we there?" Marcus suddenly said. Wow, that's the first thing he has said today. "Nah, we are just around the corner" his father answered.

I started getting nervous. Or, I have been nervous all the time. But this time, I was super, super, super nervous! Ohhh.. Okey, Zoe. Just think about the positive.


I didn't think so many people was coming, but obviously I was wrong. I think there is almost 1000 people here. Shit, then it's a lot of people to watch. Ohh, poor Gunnarsen.

I was checking through all of the people just to see if someone I know was here. I couldn't recognize anyone, but just when I was about to turn around to Gunnarsen again, some familiar face was looking directly at mine.

Ohh gosh...

What the hell is she doing here?


490 words✔️

Eyy, I'm trying to be active, okeyy? I will try to be active at least every week💗


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