"Are we spoiling them today?" Meryl asked concerned. "We don't often let them rest with a movie."

Don nodded. "It's a special day. We need to talk; and they went through hell last night."

"Okay." Meryl smiled as she reached for something she had ready for him. "This is for you."

Don smiled as she gave him a cold mug of beer. "It's barely 1:30. I thought we were having wine tonight."

"We are; but this is for you." Meryl winked; knowing he would need it for what she would later say. "I know you wanted to talk about James."

Don nodded as he tucked her hair behind her ear and took a drink of his beer. "Belgium." He winked at her causing her to smile. "As you know, I talked to Larry earlier. James will be charged with leaving Indiana while he is still on probation without telling his PO; and for breaking the restraining order. He will be transferred to Indianapolis first thing in the morning and Mike will be at the jail there to make sure he's processed. Only one more night with him in the city, baby. I promise you I'm making it okay."

"You always do, my Don Man." Meryl said as she kissed his lips. "I'm going to as well."

Don squinted his eyes. "What do you mean? This isn't your mess to clean up."

"It's not yours either. YOU have NOT created this; but you are protecting us just like always." Meryl pointed out. "Now it's my turn."

Don raised his eyebrow at her. "Why do I have a feeling I won't like this?"

"Because you won't; not at all. I need you to hear me out." Meryl said as Don nodded. "I'm going to the jail to confront that bastard."

Don took a deep breath. "Can you tell me why?"

"I need to do it for you. I need to do it for Mames and Gracie and Hen. I need to do it for me." Meryl choked. "I need to see that bastard behind glass and let him know exactly what I think of him. What he's done. That you are the most amazing person in the whole fucking world; and that he doesn't even deserve to breathe your air."

Don nodded; understanding. "What would that do?"

"I would know that I've stood up to that bastard." She said as Don kissed her lips hard; and he reached over her for the phone. "Who are you calling?"

Don looked at her. "Liz to see if she can come babysit while we go."

"Baby, I want you to stay with the kids. I need you to stay with the kids. This is my thing." Meryl told him.

Don shook his head vehemently. "No, no way. I'm not letting you near that bastard."

"The kids are so jumpy; you would be doing the best thing for me by staying with them, baby." Meryl said. "There are bottles in the fridge in case Gracie needs one. I am hoping to go and be back before they even wake up; but I will feel so much better knowing you're here with our babies." She choked as Don nodded and turned his attention back to the phone. "Now who are you calling?"

Don shook his head. "Larry. To make sure he'll be there with you."

"Don, this is something I need to do my myself." Meryl said softly.

Don shook his head as he ran his fingers through his hair. "After all the fucking shit he's done to you? NO! NO!"

"Don Man, I'm not asking for your permission; that's not how our marriage works." She couldn't be mad at him; she knew he was scared to death and she also knew she would have the same reaction. "I'm asking for your support."

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