Chapter Two:Him

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I don't know if it was love at first sight, god sending me an angel or what but the second he stepped into my first period my eyes widened. Our math teacher Ms.alderete/owl lady (I call her that beacuse she seems to like owls and seems like a huge one with big beady eyes and is short and is round). Anyways she said "class! This is a new student here to our school, his name is eduardo. I want you to be very welcoming to him." In my head I was like "HAHAHA!! yeah if only they would have been like that towards me but good luck!!" I already knew that he was going to have a hard time. Not as much as me because I heard some of the girls talking about how he's "SOOO CUTE!!." UGH!!!! I mean like yeah he's good looking but all I want is a friend. He didn't really catch the attentions of the swagfags (I called them) but only as a target to tease. Luckily he was seated to the empty desk next to me. I was at the back of the class. I liked it, it was where no one every bothered me, but its not like anyone ever would anyway. But I never expected what was going to happen next.

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