Chapter One: about Me

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So as i've said i'm about to go into the tenth grade and i'm 16. My name is, ... well let's just call me kat. So when I said "i'm girly yet boyish,

Normal but emo and weird" well I am. I like alot of girly stuff like doing my hair,nails and etc. but not all the time. I like some sports so i'm basicly kinda normal. But I love alot of weird freaky stuff. Like tattoos,peircing, bands and artists like BOTDF (blood on the dance floor) and jeffree star. But also weird dead type stuff. You know sugar skulls and stuff like dia de los muertos kind of stuff.BUT ESPECIALLY CREEPYPASTAS. I mean I was crazy with drawings of slenderman,jeff,jane,both jacks,BEN, and alot others. I was soo crazy. But that caught interest into the new person at school

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