Car Crash Hearts

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Long live the car crash hearts, cry on the couch, all the poets come to life. Fix me in 45.

This can be triggering, but I don't want to spoil it so just be careful.


You know that feeling in your chest, the one that fills you with the greatest joy imaginable? The one that makes you believe all your dreams came true and everything you ever wanted was right in front of you?

Well that's what Pete was feeling when he looked at his beautiful husband laying down next to him. That's what he felt when he looked into his husband's beautiful blue eyes, but they looked almost green, because they had a little yellow ring in the center.

I guess you can say Pete was irrevocably in love with Patrick. And you wouldn't be wrong.


"Pete. Get. Up. Now." Patrick shook Pete as rough as he could, trying to get him to wake up. "You're gonna be late for work." Of course, Patrick was a stay at home husband. Pete was a counselor at the local high school. He found it easier to work through his problems if he could also help others.


Pete grabbed Patrick's hand as they walked through the small town, passing a bunch nearly-full coffee shops. Their hands swung back and forth, just like they did in high school. Some traditions never change.

"Wow. Why are there so many cars today? Is today a holiday I forgot about?" Patrick laughed at his own words, pulling Pete towards the crosswalk.

As the couple started crossing the street, Pete was distracted by a homeless man, and decided to donate a few dollars.

"I'll catch up Pat, I'm gonna go over here for a second."

"Okay, Pet-" Before Patrick could finish his words, a car had ran right into Patrick's path, crushing Pete's husband in the process.

The last thing Pete heard from Patrick was the heart breaking scream as his life came to an end.

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