Finding 5 Lost yrs pt 2

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She couldn't help thinking about the list her dad gave her as she boarded the plane. Her temporary good-bye to Indiana was short, including only her mom saying good-bye since she had pushed away everyone else. She hadn't realized just how right my mother was about her friends giving up until no one was there to say good-bye.

She realized also that she really had isolated myself. She had to find a way to undo the damage in Florida if she wanted to check at least one thing off the list. To her relief her mind wasn't dwelling on being away from Indiana as much as she thought it would. At least she definitely had somethings to do in Florida now. speaking if things to do she pulled out the list and read it over again, not that it was necessary, she read and re-read the list so much she could name things off the list without even looking at it. She traced her fingers over her dad's writing, picturing the excited but composed smile he was probably wearing as his mind raced from one crazy idea to the next.

She stared out the window of the plane, just grateful that the list didn't involve her standing on the wing of a flying plane while trying to read a book or something. But as her eyes skimmed the bottom of the list, she let out a deep sigh and ran her fingers through her hair. Suddenly reading a book on the wing of a moving plane seemed so much more possible than the last thing on her dad's incomplete bucket-list.

When the plane reached her destination she sat back as everyone around her shot up and raced to get out of there. Scottie hated being pushed and shoved among people, so when the assembly line of people and carry-ons died down to the calmer ones she stood and retrieved her bags, making her exit off the plane.

It had been a while since she'd been to Florida. A long while. You could practically breath the ocean there, compared to Indiana at least. As she retrieved the rest of her suitcases she looked around for a tall blonde lady who was probably over dressed than most people. It didn't take long at all.

As soon as her eyes landed on her eccentric but beautiful Aunt, she ran to her so she could stop bouncing around like a five year old ready to meet Santa, getting all the guys to stop and enjoy the show.

"Oh Scottie, baby I missed you so much!" Her Aunt squealed squeezing her a rib-cracking extent.

Scottie didn't mind, though. It had been a while since she'd seen her Aunt and she didn't realize how much she missed her till she was in her soft arms, and inhaling her sweet and expensive perfume. "I missed you, too Aunt Hilda," she sighed finally prying herself away from the hug and examining her.. 'You look great!"

And she did. Her Aunt could almost pass for a model, with her curves and her features. She had long golden hair that flowed down her back, sexy thin red lips and heart shaped angel face. Her body was very voluptuous, too. She was a bit in the busty section, and always made sure she was in tip-top shape. She was currently wearing a tight-fitted red dress that stopped just above her knees, and black six inch stilettos.

"What this old thing?" Her Aunt said referring to her dress. "I bought last week. But enough about me look at you my little baby's growing up! Look at you with your beautiful self!"

Scottie blushed and looked down. She didn't exactly feel beautiful at the moment. She had been on a plane for some hours, and she just knew her hair was messy and her eyes were certainly puffy. "Thanks, Aunt Hilda," she muttered politely anyway. Can we go back to your place? I'd really love to change and take a shower."

Aunt Hilda smiled her beautiful smile at me. "Of course we can dear. Benny will take your bags. Benny?"

I was almost taken back when I saw Benny; a big muscular Black guy with tattoos trailing from the back of his head and disappearing under his suit collar. But then my memory flowed back to me and I smiled at him warmly.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 01, 2014 ⏰

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