Becoming Grace Swan

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Grace Swan is everything.

She's sex on legs.

She's elegance and class.

She's street smart and book smart.

She's the female James Bond and Sherlock Holmes put together.

She's also imaginary.

Gracie Stevens is nothing.

She has zero sex appeal.

She's awkward and clumsy.

She's brains without beauty.

She's a writer.

She's the famous and renowned author of the Grace Swan book and soon to be television series.

Gracie made up Grace Swan in matter of seconds when her publisher told her her deadline was past due and she was going to get dropped from her contract. She hadn't expected the character who she purposely made the mirror opposite of her to get so much attention, fame and popularity.

More importantly, she hadn't ever expected to find herself about to jump out of a helicopter; or seducing drug lords for information, or fighting all of Grace Swans enemies! Grace and all her adventures were all people that Gracie made up in her head.

So why did she find herself becoming Grace Swan?

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