Chapter 8

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"Yes, yes, his finger landed on me." I was bombarded with question about the result. My head was still spinning.

"And it was totally random?" Mum winked at me.

I was beginning to feel exasperated. "YES. He was wearing a blindfold."

"Wow." My mother exhaled as she spoke.

I sat quietly next to her. I couldn't quite believe it either. Mum started talking again, but I was nowhere near hearing her. What had Jenny meant by 'exactly what he needs'?

Mum nudged me. "Anneliese?"

I shook my head, trying to clear it. "Sorry! What was the question?"

"What's that?" She tilted her head towards the booklet I had been holding. I had completely forgotten about it.

"Instructions, I was told."

"Well then, read it out! Let's hear it."

I sighed, looking down. I began to read;

"Congratulations! You have been chosen to host Conor Maynard for 2 weeks! This opportunity comes with certain privileges."

I looked over at Mum. Both of us confused, I continued.

"You have some power over Conor whilst he stays with you. You can ask things of him, favours, errands, you name it. He has the ability to refuse your requests if they are distasteful or inappropriate. If he wants to do something out of the norm, he must ask you."

"... He's like a servant, ha!" Mum mused before bursting out into laughter. I giggled too. He could do my homework. He could...

I felt my face whiten and my eyes widen. My pupils flew back to the page. 'Distasteful or inappropriate'. My mind was flooded with images from earlier that day. The way those women were dressed, were acting...

I shook the thoughts from my head, unable to handle it. Mum didn't notice my moment, she was too busy focusing on the road. I cleared my throat, and read on.

"Using the details in your original entry, Conor will be dropped off at your place of residence, exactly one week from the day you won."

"Next Sunday!" Mum was shrieking, making me jump. "We need to get sorted!"

Conor Maynard will be living in my house in seven days. Hopefully I will have the opportunity to tell him about Josh.


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Speaking of oneshots, if you want one for your OTP, shoot me a message!

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-Born2dance_143 :)

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