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So close to chapter 20 guys. I hope you enjoy the chapter. We're back to Violetta's POV.

I woke up next to Clement as I usually did as of late.

I get out of bed and stretch.

A few minutes later, I get a notification of a text from Fede.

A few minutes later, I get a notification of a text from Fede

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Fede: Sorry sis.❤️

My jaw drops when I see the picture. With one look at the two in it, I know it's a picture of Fede and Ludmila kissing.

I wake up Clement and show him the text.

"Oh my... I can't believe he would do this to you," he says while enveloping me in a warm hug.

"It's fine, really. My brother can choose to be with whoever he wishes to be with," I say and get out of his grasp.

I text Fede back.

Me: Happy for you brother. I hope you have a good relationship with Ludmila.

Fede: Are you sure?

Me: 100% 💜

Fede: Love you sis.❤️

Me: Love you too.

I put my phone down and head to the bathroom.

I walk in and take a warm shower. The water rushing down my body almost makes me forget about last night. Instead, it gets close to erasing it but never does.
When I walk out fully clothed in short shorts and a crop top, I see Clement leaving the dorm room.

"Clement, wait," I say and he stops so that I can kiss him.

"Can I go out today?" I ask him and he nods before kissing me again and leaving.

I fill up a water bottle and leave the dormitory.

After a while of walking, I find a park. Since class was in session, no one was outside.

I was walking around until I hear sirens coming closer. I look at the street and I see a fire engine turning onto the campus.

My breathing stops when I see it going to the building that Clement was in for class.

I run over there and sure enough, it's in flames. The most horrifying thing about it was that I saw Clement on a stretcher, being loaded into an ambulance.

I run over to the ambulance and beg the doctors to let me on with him.

They deny me multiple times before finally giving in.

"Fine, get in or else we're leaving without you," one of the doctors says to me.

I get in and I silently cry as I see Clement laying on the stretcher unconscious.
We get to the ER and I'm separated from Clement.
A few hours later, I was still at the hospital, but I was finally allowed to see him.

When I walked in, I saw burns on his arms and face.

I kiss his dry lips and hope that he would wake up soon.
The next day, I get a call from the hospital saying that Clement had woken up and I was needed at the hospital.

I get there quickly and I get into his room and see a confused Clement surrounded by doctors.

"Hello?" I say softly and one of the doctors look at me sympathetically.

"Miss Castillo, he has lost most of his memories. Including ones about you," he says and my head starts pounding.

I walk out of the room and cry in the hallway.

Sorry for leaving it on a sad note guys, I just had to end it there.
What caused the fire? Tell me your ideas in the comments.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter. See you in the next one.
By the way, media is Violetta's outfit.

You Belong to Me *Violetta*Where stories live. Discover now