Chicken nugget Levi x male! reader x Eren (M)✔

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(IS2G this was intended to be a crackfick but it turns pretty serious and sad but yea.....the end has an alternative happyish ending.)
"Leeeeeeeevii-iiii. Are you serious?!" I stared at my boyfriend, my golden-orange eyes wide with shock. And betrayal. How could he do this to me?! Are everything-
He fucking did it. He ate my last damn chicken nugget. And for why? Because I accidentally broke his broom. In half.
"It isnt such a big deal [F/N]. I can just buy you more." Eren spoke up. My other boyfriend. Yes, I was a male, in a poly relationship with two other males. All gaybuttstuff to the max. BUT THATS NOT THE POINT! My chicken nugget, my last chicken nugget was eaten, without the right dipping sauce, by someone who doesnt even like chicken. "Gross. It taste horrible." I watched as Levi spat out the chicken nugget into the garbage, a grimace covering his normally stotic face. He took a napkin and wiped his face off before throwing that too into the garbage. Eren watched from his spot on the couch in the living room, his face throughly amused. For once, he acted like a responsible adult. Right when I needed his angry strength. I put on a calm look on face as I walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs, away from the two with my head down in sadness.that was the last batch of chicken nuggets my mom had made for me before she kicked me out of the house for being gay. And as a stupid tradition I had made, I would eat a few every two sundays, slowly going down to one every month. They were very special chicken nuggets, able to last years before expiring due to something my mother did. Thatwas one of the last reminants of my mothers kindness. Of course, I never told either of them about my homophobic mother throwing me out and leaving me homeless for a good 6 months before I was invited to stay with them, home-wise and relationship-wise. It was one of those things you keep buried down to remeber the nice things my mother did for me. Of course, this entire thing was probably sounding stupid because its a damn chicken nugget but, it was very important to me since I clung to anything my mom had done for me. I wanted to remeber when she was nice, when she was my mom. "Hey, [F/N], come on it wasnt that big of a deal, come on ill buy you more at Wendy's, [F/N]? " I ignored Erens calls as I kept walking upstairs to my room, pulling my phone out. Maybe I could try to call her to hang out with her or something. After all, my birthday was supposedly coming up soon. I shut my door and walked over to my window, looking outside as I dialed her number, hopefully she would answer.
"Hello? This is [Mom/name] speaking, who is this."
I was suprised, she actually picked up.
There was a pause before she sighed.
"Who is this?"
"Its y..your son. [F/N]."
I listened as she went silent again, rustling paper and joyous laughter from my little ten year old sister all in the back ground. To listen better I put it on speaker.
"Look, hon. I have no son named [F/N]. The only person I know named [F/N] is my husband." " could you forget dont you at least remeber how you threw me out because I was gay?"
My voice quivered as my eyes watered. She didnt even remeber me.
"No. Thank god I dont. I dont remeber raising a gay man in this house. And I never will. Now good-"
"Mom...please. Im s..sorry"
My voice cracked as I let out a small whimper. It was once again, silent before I heard my father call out to my mom.
"Is that [F/N]? Give me the damn phone."
"Yes hon. Here you go"
I listened as my very drunken father picked up the phone with a belch.
"Are you still gay?"
My eyes widened at his darkened tone.
"Listen here you fat ass. No son of mine is going to be a faggot. And I will say the same thing I said before. You are not our son. Our son died on the day he left our house and went to hell.Dont you dare ever, call this number again. Leave us alone or we will call the police.-"
"B...but. Dad."
"Go kill yourself."
The line went silent before He hung up, my eyes shining with tears. Everything was blurry as I sat down on my bed in shock, my mouth slightly ajar. Slowly, my mind went to a blank as it filled with anger. I was angry with myself. Before I understood what I was doing, I threw my phone as hard as I could at the Tv, both the phone and tv screen shattering. I needed a drink. As in beer. Or anything strong. Even though im 19. I grabbed my keys and baseball bat before heading out towards the window. Not bothering to leave a note, I jumped out the window and onto the roof, quickly jumping from the roof to a tree branch and then to the ground. I ran over to Levis motorcycle and started it, reving up the engine and driving off, my head spinning. This felt unreal, the spinning in my head feeling as if I had just slid down a twisty water slide and dunked underwater before I could take a breath. It hurt to have your father disown you. It truely did. It also insanely hurt for him to sit there and tell me that. My lungs burned from the hurt, the feeling resonating deep within my chest. I drove until it was well beyond dark, my body numb and cold from the constant rushing wind as I reached my destination. I was at the St. Monica Bridge. A place I've gone to a few times to calm down. At one point, when I was homeless, I lived on the bridge for a little, always enjoying a perfect lit sunset over the St. Monica Bay. As I reached the arch of the bridge, I slowed to a stop, quietly pulling the bike over to the pedestrian walkway, picking up a carton of vodka he had recently bought and sat on the edge of the railing, I stared down at the icy cold water below, picking the first bottle and popping the cap, downing the liquid like water. It burned my throat thoroughly, the feeling bringing immense pain and sort of a numbness as time went on. I was on my fourth bottle by the time someone had pulled over slightly, their window rolled down to speak to me. Low and behold, it was my God. Damn. Mother.
"Are you okay there Sir?"
I let out a snort of a laugh as I stared at her, my eyes blurry with tears. It was funny how she didn't recognize her own son.
"I'm fine, I'm fine. Just...enjoying the view!" I gestured to my surroundings, the half-filled bottle still in my hands. A sob escaped my lips as I stared at her car, realizing my little sister was in the back, having just got done with a dance recital, still wearing her leotard and everything. She was asking where I was.
After two fucking years she's still asking where I was.
It shattered my drunken heart.
"Look hon you don't look in too good of a shape, let me take you home, where do you live?"
"Mo-...Lady, Look Lady. Just go ahead and keep driving. You didn't care then, you wouldn't care now. Don't burden yourself with me." I said, drinking the rest of the bottle I had in my hands, leaning down to grab the next. I silently cursed myself for slipping up a little. My mother's eyes widened as she finally recognized me, a small gasp leaving her lips, small tears gathering in her eyes.
That was enough to get me crying uncontrollably, large tears flowing down my cheeks.
"Well Arent you proud of me mom?" I asked my voice cracking as I continued, not a care in the world."Arent you proud of your gay son about to fucking end his life?! ISNT THIS WHAT YOU AND DAD WANTED?!"
I stood up on the rail I was on, not bothering to look back at my mother as she gasped out a quiet
'Oh my god'
(If you wanna jump to the alt ending you can do so here)
I looked down at the water as another sob racking my body, my shaking arms wrapping around my body as I attempted to steady myself and not fall backwards onto the concrete and vodka bottles.
I looked back to see my mother on the phone with the police, her eyes showing serious levels of fear. But she never spoke a word to me.
"T...Tell Levi Ackerman and Eren Jaeger that I..I'm so sorry for being a burden a...and I love t...them.I wanna T...Thank Them for giving me a home and love when I had nothing."
At this point, police cars and bystanders have crowded around. I noticed a few had cameras out, one being a blogger Eren followed on facebook.
I whispered out one last sentence
"I'm so sorry"
before jumping, the crowd, along with my mother, gasping, a few screams were heard.
I chuckled to myself as I neared closer and closer to the concrete-like water and my grave.
"All because of a chicken nugget."
I hit the water, hard, pain erupting through my body for a brief second, then....nothing. There was nothing.
Alt. Ending:
I looked down at the water as another sob racking my body, my shaking arms wrapping around my body as I attempted to steady myself and not fall backwards onto the concrete and vodka bottles.
My eyes snapped back as I heard a familiar masculine voice call out, the voice cracking and filling with fear. It was Levi, his eyes wide and filled with tears and a deep, unimaginable horror and panic. Another choked sob left my mouth as I flitted my eyes back towards the icy waters, my hair a wild mess from the wind.
"I'm so sorry."
I whispered out towards Levi as I braced myself to jump, my eyes screwing shut.
But, before I could do anything, I felt a hand grab onto my jacket and yank me back into warm arms. It was Levi. He pulled me into a tight hug, holding my head close to his chest as he started to cry.
"Oh my god [F/N], oh my fucking god. Don't you ever, fucking, EVER do that. Do you hear me?!"
He said rocking back and forth holding me as tightly as he could without hurting me. He turned he head to face where my mother stood.
"Thank you, for calling me [Mom/Name]. I was so fucking worried for him, you don't even know. I've been all around town while Eren was freaking out at home."
I was confused, why was....
" [F/N]....Your mom loves you, you know. It wasn't her choice to throw you out. It was your abusive fathers."
Levi spoke up as if realizing my confusion. My eyes widened before more tears poured down my face , feeling extremely guilty, not to mention painfully sober.
"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry,"
I cried out, hugging Levi tightly as I closed my eyes, hiding my face in his chest.
Levi whispered soft reassurances to me as he continued to hug me until I fell asleep in his arms.
*levis pov(third pov)*
Levi sighed as he felt [F/N]'s breathing even out, fast asleep.
Very carefully, he stood up, looking over at the poor boys mother, still not over the trauma. "Do you need a ride?"
Levi nodded at the red-haired, green eyed woman as she wiped her eyes, carefully walking over to [F/N] and Levi, her and reaching out and gently rubbing the brunettes head, placing a kiss on his forehead.
"Give me [F/N], you get the motorbike, it'll fit in the back of the SUV."
"You sure you can carry him?"
"I carried him around for nine months when he was 9 lbs. I can carry him for a few minutes at 120 lbs. No sweat." She gently took him in her arms and carried him over to the vehicle, opening the door and putting him in the back next to his sister who squealed happily about her 'Bubba' being back. After [Mom/Name] buckled him in, [Sister/Name] hugged him tightly, laying his head down on her lap, pink tutu on and all. After Levi hauled the bike into the back of the SUV, he climbed into the front passenger side, wiping the leftover tears off of his face with a sigh.
"Seeing him on top the railing like that, that scared me shitless." Levi muttered to the boys mother, she too agreeing at that statement. The drive was silent other than the soft crackle of the air conditioner.
That was, until Levi spoke up.
"Did you finally leave him?"
He asked referring to [F/N]'s father. The woman smiled widely, showing her hand free of a wedding ring.
"Yes. Im moving into my sisters house down the road from you three. And now, I definitely will come an visit....that is... if he wants me to."
Levi nodded, his eyes casting back to look at the poor boy as he slept on the fluffy tutu, his autistic sibling petting his head like a dog while mumbling 'Bubba's back, Bubba's back' making the ravenette smile widely.
"I believe he would love that."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2018 ⏰

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