When you first meet (M)✔

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(Btw....Reader-Chan is quite clumsy)
"So (Y/N) are you ready for new adventures?"I looked up at my mother as she turned around to face me from her seat next to my step-father. I nodded looking out the car window hoping she would get the idea I didn't want to speak. I mean what teenager wouldnt when their parents drag them out of the U.S. and to some stupid military base in the middle of nowhere, Trost, Japan to be exact. The worst part was there were no good things coming from this. New town, New school, New people. Hell even a new language.
"(Y/N) , I was speaking to you. "My eyes snapped up to the one speaking to me, this time it being my 10 yr old sister, Belle.
"What?" I snapped out annoyed at the fact I couldn't get a second to get used to my surroundings more or less be left alone.
"Be nice to your younger sister (Y/N). "
"Okay. "
"So (Y/N)~ you practice your Japanese yet? Because I didddd. I learned to say hello and goodbye along with Thank you.!"Belle bragged shoving her book 'Japanese for beginners' in my face. I smacked her hands away.
"I didn't need to practice. "I muttered continuing to stare out the window watching cars and motorcycles pass by, rolling down my window as we came to a stop at a light. I looked at the vehicle next to us, a jet black motorcycle with painted on neon green flames crawling up the sides that immediately caught my eye. But what held my gaze was the person driving the vehicle,a male teenager roughly around my age his helmet visor up to show he had bright green eyes the color of the painted flames on the bike. His eyes caught mine, revving the bike engine in a greeting, or to show off...I couldn't tell.I nodded my head in retalliation, my eyes filling with fascination on both the beautifully-colored bike and the green-eyed adolescent.
"Why? Because you suck so bad you gave up?"
I clicked my tounge a 'tch' coming out as I muttered out in Japanese my words flawless as if it was my first language.
"Spare me now. I don't deserve an annoying brat like you to bug me every fucking second."
Belle was quiet for a second the driver of the motercycle letting out an audible laugh over the humm-drum of all the vehicle engines.
He winked at me leaning close to the car window.
"It never gets better. Just get an ipod and earbuds. Survival of a sibling 101."He yelled out well enough for me to hear, the light turning green, though not as pretty green as his eyes, sadly. And with that statement, he zoomed off down the road at full speed leaving me stareing at his fleeting figure a silence, that was, until Belle broke the silence.
****Le timeskip****
"So who is he? Huh huh huh? Is he your crush from Mississippi? Tell meeee!"A loud groan of annoyance left my mouth as I gathered what little things I had in the car with me, my sister still pestering me about what had happened a few hours ago.
" Please, shut the frick up Belle. I dont even know the dude. And I told you I had no crushes back home."I looked over at my sister as she deflated at the word of home. It was strongly evident neither of us was happy about this, Belle only putting on a show to please our parents. I sighed patting Belle's strawberry/auburn colored hair, grabbing a large suitcase along with my giant pile of pillows and blankets holding it all the best I could without dropping a thing. Belle watching my struggle, and to my annoyance not doing a thing, carrying her go-army pillow and lunchbox, her overalls stuffed with her select few toys she was allowed to keep on the move.After all the 3-room apartment was already furnished, not much room left for things like toys.
"Belle did Mom and Ryan give you the appartment key while they went to talk to the landlord?"I asked dropping my favorite pillow on the ground, it immediately getting soaked since it had just rained. My face contorted to a frown as I stared down at the sad-looking pillow, waiting for Belle's answer, (or help but that was highly unlikely)
"Yeah, we are on the third floor and Mr. Arlert, the landlord said the elevator is broken."I deadpanned at the fact, grabbing my pillow and tucking it underneath my arm, shutting the car door, and walking over towards the entrance of the lonely looking apartment building just on the outside of the military base (Moms idea to be 'submersed' with the rest of the locals instead of 'hiding' out on the military base). Of course we had to be on the top floor.
"Do you seriously just have to watch me struggle without helping?"I asked walking over to the stairwell, Belle following happily her green eyes flitting to survey our surroundings, most likely looking for people her age.Luckily, nobody around the place seeminly deserted.She smiled widely at me chirping out a 'yep' before skipping over to the stairs.
"Hey sis, why dont ya just do what you did when we moved to Cali?"I stopped at the top of the stairs (halfway to second floor) for a second confused.To be honest we had moved so frequently that every move just blurs together,... how lucky was I to be born into an active-military family.(Chill Man you only moved 10 times in 17 years the longest you stayed in one place being a 10 months)
"What?"Belle smiled widely quickly grabbing the blankets out of my hands and laying it down on the patch where the stairs ended for a second, luckily nobody was passing by. She then put down her toys on the middle of the blanket grabbing my falling-apart suitcase and putting it on their as well, tying the corners together to make a sad-looking bundle fit for a hobo.
"Great all I need is a large-ass stick. How is this going to help?"I stared at her annoyed but she only smiled even wider. Before I could blink she pulled the top corners from the blanket through the hole where the bottom corners were tied making it easier to haul up the stairs.Suddenly, the memories of this trick came back and I stared apalled at the fact I had forgotten this. Farlan, my older adopted-brother, had taught me of this trick when I was 10. (Belle was four at the time)I looked away sadly trying to ignore the uprising memories of my brother.
" Let's go (Y/N)! I wanna hurry up and see the apartment."Belle whined out snapping me from my thoughts, quickly skipping up the stairs and out of my view.
"Belle wait! Dont go running off!"I called out grabbing the makeshift 'hobo-bag', slinging it over my shoulder and running up the stairs taking two at a time to catch up with my sister. Belle only laughed continuing to run up the steps, hopping away happily. On the third floor i had lost sight of her her giggles echoing as other voices emerged from higher on the stairs. two adolecent males by the sounds of it, both rowdy and noisy, their footsteps echoing roughly indicating they were running. And, as I turned the corner continuing to shout and run after Belle, I was knocked to the ground, my breath knocked out of me along with my 'hobo-bag' falling to the ground.
"Oh my gosh im so sorry. I was just chasing after my friend Armin. Are you okay?"A rushed, out-of-breath asked, the situation at hand hitting me harder than the boy who had ran me over. I sat up rubbing the back of my head gingerly my eyes coming to a tanned, outstreched hand infront of me, black boots with neon-green flames crawling up the sides as a design, behind the hand. My eyes snapped up to look at the boy who had crashed into me, my eyes warming at the familiar sight. It was the green-eyed motorcyclist. Only this time I was able to see the rest of his face and I was pleasantly suprised at how attractive he looked, his button-nose and caramel hair complimenting his firey green eyes that clashed with different hues of blue and blueish-greens. The boy looked at me, his eyes widening as he also, seemingly, remembered me as well.
"Well well. If it isnt mrs. Sibling issues. Nice to crash into you."I blushed looking at the the boy next to him who held my hobobag out towards me apogetically. The greeneyed boy helped me up, not noticing my absence of speech. 'What was his name?'
"Sorry for making you fall again but I gotta go. Bye Sibling Issues!"And before I could ask the fated, unanswered question he took the blonde-haired blue-eyed boy down the stairs my bag next to me.I stared after them sighing at the familiar scene.And, as like last time, Belle saw and started to scream excitedly
Since Belle fell asleep five minutes in and my parents were having a tour of the military base they would be working on, I had to haul all of the boxes filled with our things by myself, almost breaking an ankle on the stairs. After an hour of lugging everything upstairs, two hours of unpacking, and A short 10 minute break , everything was in place where my parents would've wanted,except all of mine and Belle's belongings in the hallway. That way Belle could pick her room and not give anyone a hard time when she came to the point she didn't like her room, like always. I sighed sitting down on the couch near the door observing the apartment boredly. When you first opened the door you were met with two sights, the messy living room to the right, the kitchen to the left, separated by a counter/wall with a window-like opening to peer into the kitchen the size of a master bedroom. Straight forward was a hallway on the right two regular bedrooms for me and Belle, the right two doors being the master bedroom and a rinky-dink bathroom. All in all the apartment was very nice except for the fact it reeked of wet dog and it wasn't very clean. To be honest, it reminded me of one of those luxury hotels that had been rundown, nothing a little cleaning wouldn't ever fix.(though I had agreed on waiting till later since I was to tired) I stared out the window soaking up the beautiful view, mountains as tall as the I could see filled most of my view, the distant crowded city melding into the perfect serene scene.
Just like Colorado Springs, Colorado. The apartment had the greatest view of Pikes Peak. I shook my head smiling lightly at the fond memories and few friends I had made during the four years I had spent there before moving to Biloxi, Mississippi to the military base there. My mind wandered to a good friend that I hadn't seen in over two years, his stoic almost always angry face stuck permanently into my mind, his bored tone and curt words making me smile lightly. And that friend was no other than Levi Ackerman, the male I had deemed my second older brother for years on end. I wonder what had become of Levi, since He had always traveled with us when we moved one place to another, last time staying back in Colorado Springs after the incident. Though I didnt blame him, it was hard for everyone after the what had happened, Levi blaming himself for everything.-
"KIIDDDDDDOOOOOOOOSSSS. WE'RE BACK"I looked up to see my mother bursting through the door happily, my stepfather Ryan behind her a small smile plastered on his face(he didn't talk much) I looked between the two confusedly at their ecstatic attitudes"Why so pumped up? Did something happen?"My mother smiled widely before nodding slightly, a small groan coming from Belle as she woke up from all the ruckus caused by my crazy person-of-a-parent.
"I enrolled you into school at Shiganishima High todayyyyy. And you wont believe who I saw there!"
I rolled my eyes, a small smile cracking on my face at my mothers positive tone. She hadnt been this happy in years.
"It was Hanji and Mike! They just moved here with their parents a few months ago. Isnt that great!"I nodded, slightly deflating at the fact Levi wasnt there, but none the less happy. Hanji and Mike had been my friends at Colorado Springs schools since my fifth grade year, up to nineth grade year, even all the way up until I had moved, and a little after that until I had lost contact with the two.
"Yeah, that is great. At least I wont start 11th year by my self. And maybe they could help me with the Japan school system."My mother nodded excitedly babbling to Ryan as she handed me two numbers that were supposedly Hanji's and Mike's. I nodded saying a small Thanks as I added their numbers into my phone, too tired to actually call them. By this time Belle was fully awake asked my mother questions about the base, bouncing around like her usual 10 year old self.
"Can we go get groceries? I'm starving!!!"Belle asked jumping up and down on the couch, small flakes of dust flying everywhere. Our mother chuckled, patting her head gently.
"No, we need to clean this place up. Buttttttttttt if your sister wants to she can drive you to go get someee-"
Belle immediately jumped over to me, hugging my legs tightly.
"BIG SIS PLEASE PLEASE PLEASSEEE IM DYINNGGGGGGGGG"I sighed loudly, crossing my arms in annoyance, a small smile struggling to rise onto my face as she pouted, trying her puppy eyes on me. I rolled my eyes, holding my hand out towards my mother as she handed me two hundreds, a grocery list, the car keys and my drivers license.
"Only if you help with the groc-"
At her pleading comment I burst into laughter, my answer evident.
At this, Belle grabbed her slip-on sketchers and her coat, racing to the door in record speed.
"Okay, okay, calm yourself child. Let's go."I looked back at my mother and gave her a small hug.
"Mom. I think I gotta get the correct currency so I might be a little longer than expected. I doubt they take dollars."My mother nodded and then winked.
"If all else fails use the emergency credit card in the car. Credit cards work everywhere. Oh annnddddddd you and belle can get a little something if it is cheap. Okay? Think of it as an apology-slash-thankyou for dragging you halfway around the world without any notice and you two taking it like our brave little soldiers. "Her tune  turned soft for a second" I really appreciate everything sweetie. You've always kept up your smile and great attitude when I needed to see it the most. "I smiled hugging my mother before walking out of the apartment where Belle was waiting.
"Let's go Lil Chickie... if you're good at the grocery store I'll get you some sweets. "Belles eyes widened as she cheered, throwing her hands up into a jazz hand/dance.
"Race you there?!"
"Game on brattttttt I'm gunnnnaaaa win!"
Sadly, as we raced around the corner towards the stairs, I managed to crash into somebody else, knocking the both of us(me and the stranger) onto the floor.
The stranger groaned as he got up apparently annoyed. After all who wouldn't?
"What the fuck is wrong with you, running down stairs without looking and bullshit. Fucking brat. God."
I froze at that voice, my mood going on cloud nine. I...I thought he stayed in Colorado...
Before I could say anything, Belle had finished adding two and two together. I flipped my hair out of my face and saw it was, indeed Levi. Only, not...
He had cut his hair giving himself an undercut, his top hair reaching down to only his ears instead of before when he had a wild mop of hair. He also traded out his usual spiked leather jacket and multiple piercings to a grey formal button-up shirt and no peircings in sight exept his ear piercing we had gotten together on the middle ring (where a cuff earring would go).
To be honest, he looked like a strict teacher instead of his scene/punk look, it scared me. Something had happened for him to flip like that.
"Oi. Cricket. You listening?" My eyes snapped to his gunmetal orbs as he poked my lying form on the ground with his foot. I smiled brightly before hugging him as Belle was doing, ignoring the fact he called me Cricket, a childhood name I earned from always hopping to and fro when Levi babysitted me. He let out a chuckle as he hugged us back.
"Good to see you two. I was hoping to find y'all but not like this." I blushed as he rubbed my head, ruffling my hair out of sorts.
"Now listen, don't you dare run down the stairs like that again you hear me? You could break your shit necks and die and your parents don't need that shitty bullshit. And if I catch you I'll skin you alive."
He lectured us as he started walking downstairs with us, Belle holding onto his hand her other on the railing.
"Yeah, yeah Lev. By the way. You owe me a gigantic explanation. For tons of bull-shiz" I retaliated by punching his arm, careful not to knock him off balance, not that it would've mattered. His arms seemed as if they were made of steel.
"See you're still fit you ass"
I hissed out waving my hand back and forth in pain, Levi only letting out a chuckle.
"See you're still weak piglet" He crossed his eyes at me, his playfull mood showing he was hiding something/changing the subject. Not that I payed attenion since we had reached my mother's car.
I helped Belle into the back seat, Levi leaning against the car hood watching.
"Where are you two shits going alone?"
"To the store. We need some food since Mom and Ryan are supposedly 'cleaning' the appartment."
Levi rolled his eyes at my gutter-minded remark, knowing it was full and well true.
"Well I'm comin too. You don't know where shit is anyways. I've been here for two weeks, i know my way around."
I finished buckling in Belle and a hit the door, turning around to face Levi, a sigh leaving my lips since I knew Belle couldn't hear me.
"Why did you leave Colorado? What happened?"
Levis happy mood demolished as he looked away, guilt hanging in his eyes. Only then did i notice the dark circles under his eyes along with his scalp having small bald-ish spots on the undercut. He had torn some of his hair out...
His sleeves pulled back a little to show dark bruised hands and vertical cuts down his wrist.
I walked close to him and hugged him gently, his head slumping against my shoulder. He clumsily hugged back tightly, showing without words how much he needed this. After a few minutes he pulled back.
I smiled softly and patted his head.
"It's no problem Levi. You were there for me when i had my battle scars so I'm here for you now."I paused, handing him the keys to the car before whispering into his ear,"But we will talk about this later okay? Don't think for a second I'm leaving you in the shit-faced cold to face yourself by yourself. You're also staying with us."
Levis eyes widened, seemingly surprised at the fact I had known he was homeless as of the moment, and the fact I was so nice.
"Y..you dont-"
"I am. Now let's go. You gotta take Belle for ice cream"
I motioned over to the red-headed child as she yelled to get our attention, pouting angrily.
Levi let out a snort of a laugh before opening the car door and getting in after catching the keys that I threw at him.
I silently walked over to the other side of the car, hopping into the passenger side with a small fake grin.
"Lets go hi-ho Big Bro!" Belle shouted loudly as Levi and I buckled up, Levi also adjusting his seat for his small stature to reach the pedals. Levi rolled his eyes, a small smile slithering onto his normally stotic face. He quietly pulled out of the parking lot and drove onto the main road, turning on the correct streets with comfortable ease. He had been here for a while apparently...
After a few wrong turns and a stop for soft cone ice cream, we made it to the super-market. It was small, the size of a neighborhood Wal-Mart, but filled to the brim with essentials. Weird...Japanese essentials...
"Hey Levi, where the heck are the eggs?" I called out towards Levi as he pushed the half full cart around, Isabel childishly inside of the basket. I was currently holding a box of instant ramen, some weird anime character on the side, the title in Japanese.
"Hmm? Oh, over near the fish. What kind of eggs do you need Cricket?"
I rolled my eyes and looked at the label of the instant ramen, trying to figure how much it cost.
"Is there different type of eggs?"
Levi nodded."Uhh....maybe just....regular? Shit Levi, why would you ask me? Just get a dozen of regular fucking eggs. While you're at it, grab two gallons of 2% milk and frozen pizza. If they have any..."
I turned around and watched as he left with a click of his tounge and a sarcastic comment, Isabel playing with her stuffed animal Juniko.
I sighed and looked at the aisle seeing it was eerily deserted exept for the old creepy man looking at hot sauce. Not many people were in the store so I didn't have to worry about getting weird looks. After all, my hair was up in a messy bun and I wore no make-up. I sighed before putting a case of beef flavored instant ramen into a handheld basket, looking at the grocery list.I walked down the aisle towards the hot sauce and grabbed the one that looked familiar. Some Mexican sauce that hurt like fuck, before continuing past the sceptical looking man towards the direction of Levi and Belle. And of course, i wasnt looking where i was going, so I bumped into a worker, accidentally knocking him to the ground.
"I'm sorry Sir! I didn't mean to, I wasn't looking where i was going" I spoke out politely in Japanese, reaching my hand out to help the man off of the ground. And, as fate would have it, it was the green-eyed boy. He smiled and accepted my hand to stand, looking me over with recognition.
"It's fine Sibling issues." He nodded in acceptance of my apology, speaking in English.
I caught his name tag and smiled, realizing his name.
Eren Jaeger.
"It seems as if I can't get rid of you. My names Eren." He shook my hand before letting it go with a little laugh.
"The mystery woman has a name! Aha!"
He smiled again, rubbed the nape of his neck before continuing speaking.
"I'm sorry for not helping you up earlier, I was late to my job, obviously here."
I waved it off, not bothering to be angry.
"It's fine. But, um. Since you work here. Would you mind helping me?"
"Oh! Sure." He flinched, as if realizing he was working.
"What do you need help with?"
I showed him the mostly complete grocery list, muttering about how I didn't understand where anything was.
Over all, Eren helped me find what I needed, even helping with what is what and explaining which items were cheaper than others. He even helped me find Levi and Belle, who were at the checkout counter waiting on me. As i was about to leave, Eren shyly tapped my shoulder, his face turning a considerate am out of red before he blurted out the question that seemed to weigh on his mind heavily.
"Um...can I have your number?"
I smiled coldly before answering sensibly.
"Well....tell you what. If it so happens we meet again. The next time. Ill give you my number. "
He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck before sheepishly answering as I started to walk away.
"Crash into you later?"
I smirked and turned around, looking at the green eyed man I had literally ran into twice.
"Yeah. Crash into you later Eren."
And with that, I left.
Edit:sorry I messd up the names...

Eren x Reader Boyfriend ScenariosOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora