CHAPTER 7: Opportunity Knocks

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On the other side of town (the southward of the Brick City), standing on the terrace of his penthouse smoking a cigar, Dante admired the view while plotting his next move. It was a scheme that Dante had been planning since the day he’d taken control of the Brotherhood from Senior. Moreover, with Ray’s recent passing, Dante was one move away from gaining control of the Brick City’s underworld.

“What’s good my dude?” Jay asked joining Dante on the terrace.

“Today is a good day,” Dante replied. “Can’t you smell it? Now that Ray’s no longer amongst the living . . . God bless his soul . . . I can finally take back what is rightfully mines.”

“Congratulations,” Jay said.

“You don’t know how long I’ve waited for this moment, and now it’s finally here. I’m about to accomplish something my father never could. I can finally reclaim my family’s legacy, and there’s no one left standing in my way.”

“What about Des and the HoodaBoyz,” Jay asked.

“What about ‘em?”

“Des controls Hoodaville,” Jay reminded him. “And I hear they make a big piece of change up there. I mean, Ray might be out of the picture, but if we get our hands on Hoodaville, we’ll gain a goldmine.”

“What do you mean we?” Dante asked giving Jay his full attention. “You speak French now?”

“Naw Don, I was just thinking . . .”

“I don’t pay you to think,” Dante snapped, “I pay you to do what I tell you to do.”

“I know . . . But . . .”

“I hope you don’t have your eyes set on my throne? That would be a fatal mistake,” Dante warns him.

“Of course not, you know me. I’m riding with you.”

Changing the subject, Dante continued, “Besides, I’m not worried about Des and his band of misfits. I know their type. They’ll soon grow tired of taking his orders, and one of them will eventually grow some balls and take Des out the game for me. Because I’ve seen it happen too many times before. Des isn’t the first to try and challenge me, but I’ll be damned if I let him make a name for himself off of me.”

“I feel you.”

“I know, that’s why I’m here, and you’re there. But just to make sure Des doesn’t get ahead of himself,” Dante cockily replied, “We’ll need to turn one of his niggas against him. So I’m going to need you to find his weak link. I need to know every move Des is planning to make before he makes them. The last thing I need is for a wannabe to interfere in my plans.”

“How do you want me to handle it?” Jay wondered.

“Fuck if I know.” Dante snapped. “You figure it out, I just want it done. And while you’re handling that, I’ll see if I can get a meeting with Mama Jones.”

“Okay, I’ll handle it.”

Brushing Jay off, Dante calls Mama Jones to set up a meeting.

Realizing his services are no longer required, Jay leaves Dante with his pride bruised. However, walking through Dante’s penthouse, Jay noticed Nikki sitting on the sofa, drinking a glass of Remy. Moreover, for a brief moment, Nikki and Jay lock eyes, but neither says a word. No, hi or bye, they just watch each other as Jay walks toward the door.

Mind Games: A Brick City Story, by Ikish MullensWhere stories live. Discover now