[CHAPTER 1] - The Meeting

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Guidance for reading:
(y/n) : Your name
(l/n) : Last name

(Y/n) kept going down the hill, trying to find the right path, why is she here all of the sudden? All of her thought became blank for only a couple of minutes, and now she's here, in a place surrounded by trees and nature, she does know this path, but she doesn't seem too familiar with it, she became a bit worried of getting lost, she must find the right path to the residence as quickly as possible.

Running and running, searching and searching, try to find a spot of human activity near her. It's still afternoon, she finished her job way before this, she just come back to the post office where she was working at on the top of the hill and decided to buy supplies for the next couple of weeks from the stores near it, and explore a bit. Yet, she got lost in thought and found herself on the forest in the hill.

After some minutes, she found a path that most likely local people used it, a wash of relieve goes through her, so she followed the path, going down the hill.

Then, in the middle of the road, she met a girl with several hair clips, going to the opposite side she was going, they look at each other for a second, the girl with the hair clips seems confused with (y/n)'s presence for a moment, also the same with (y/n).

(Y/n) snaps back to reality and decided to ask her, ''Uhm, g-good afternoon.., do you know where is the way to the residence from here?", the girl with the hair clips then replies ''Oh uh.., the residence just below the hill,..uh..follow this path and you will find a train rail in a bridge, just follow it and you will see the residence not too far away from there.." after that (y/n) thanked her and bows down, they pass each other to go back to their activity.

(Y/n) follows the way that the girl told her, she was thankful that the girl told her the right way and not lying to her. She has some memories of bad teenagers that told her the wrong way and she ended up getting home late years ago.

In her way, she met a goat next to a little house eating some grass, she greet them and began to run since she can saw the residence from up there already.

.  .  .

Back to the big rock on the cliff, Asuna take out the piece of a wooden plank and put some grocery in the cave below it not forgetting to bring her hand-maded radio structure, she then run to the top of the big rock and sits down, drinking a cup of tea in one gulp and let out a satisfied sigh, she then began to position the parts of the radio and put the crystal on it, and applies the one ear bud to her right ear.

Mimi walks behind her and let out a meow then jumps to her shoulder, making Asuna gasp a little, ''Mimi! Well hello there!" she said scratching the part below Mimi's ear, Mimi purrs in her touch.

Asuna heard some sounds from the ear bud and gasps, ''I got it!", she then tried to make the sound clearer by optioning the radio, when she finally found it, a melody comes to her ear, ''...What a strange melody'' she said amused, she then lays down to the ground and enjoy the melody until the sun started to set. She's still a little bit confused with that girl's appereance since she never really see her in the school because it's the only school around, but then she just put that aside, maybe she's new here and that's why she's doesn't seem to know the path in the forest.

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