Just One Night ~11~

Start from the beginning

             "Good. That means I raised you right. But Taylor, don't be scared, ok? It seems to me like you are."

             I sat up a little straighter. "What could I possibly be afraid of?" I asked, feeling a little insulted.

             "Clowns? Spiders?" My dad suggested.

             Even though he was focused on the road, I glared at him. "Dad."

             My tone seemed to make him understand, and he continued seriously. "I think you're afraid of falling in love. You're terrified of letting anyone that close to you, which makes sense because that's pretty much what you learned from me."

             I was speechless. Me, afraid? In some perspectives, it was a reasonable argument, but really? No. Not in this case.

             "I know you don't believe me, but think about it."

             It was silent for a minute, the sounds of cars rushing to go places on this early Thanksgiving morning filling in for it.

             "Taylor, I know you said no a couple of weeks ago, but have you had sex?"

             I almost choked on the air I was breathing, but shook my head, deciding in a split second to ease him into it. "No, but we've talked about it." I said.

             My dad glanced at me, obviously a little shocked. "You have? Taylor, just be careful. I don't want anything to happen to you. Also, you do realize how big of a commitment doing that will be, don't you? Are you sure you're ready for that?"

             I nodded. "I know, dad. And when is anyone ever ready for it really?"

             "When you are, you'll know." He responded, and I knew I'd dodged that bullet for a while.

             Thank God.

             I checked the time, 7:23AM, and groaned.

             "I forgot how early it was. I better be allowed some coffee." I complained, as the car pulled into Jennifer's driveway.

             "Taylor, you don't even like coffee." My dad reminded me, grabbing a couple of bags from the backseat.

             "At this time of the morning, I'll like anything with caffeine in it."

             We reached Jennifer's door, and after knocking we were greeted by a woman who had obviously had the coffee I now craved.

             "Happy Thanksgiving! Come on in." I took the bags from my dad. We'd been here once before, and I knew where the kitchen was. I also needed to give the happy couple some alone time; they acted more like teenagers than I did sometimes.

             "Let me give you a hand." Another woman said, taking a bag.

             "Oh, thanks." I smiled. "Sorry, but who are you?"

             She laughed. "I'm Rachel. Jennifer's best friend and roommate. I wasn't here last time because I had a hot date." She winked, and I laughed. She definitely seemed cool.

             "Well, hi! I'm Taylor. Jennifer's boyfriend's daughter." I said.

             Rachel hugged me. "Thank your dad at some point. He's good for her."

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