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"What do you mean? The effects are gone, you must be using some type of spell or something," Sharp pains in my head got worse.
"Oh sure, believe what you want, but the thing is, I have power over you," he smirked.
"I could easily scream for help you know!" I raised my voice a little.
"Then what's stopping you? Do it right now," he crossed his arms and looked smug.
What is he planning? I clenched my fists and just stared at him.
"You must care about the others.  If you screamed who knows what ways I could make you murder them, especially your brother," he grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me along with him.
He might've been stripped of his werewolf form but he was still really strong.
Hours went by and we reached an abandoned building on the outskirts of the island.  On the inside it looked like a jail cell like the one back near the lodge.  I already knew that was where I belonged.  I walked inside and sat down against the wall.
"Cooperative and you're not even under the effects? What happened to the stubborn emo who didn't give me completely accurate information about his friends?" He locked the cell door.
I looked down, "I'm not doing this for you."
"But you are helping me, whether you like the idea or not," he laughed.
I didn't look up at him until he threw a mirror into the cell which cracked.  I picked it up and it had a few pieces missing from it on the stone ground.
"In case your eye turns green and you want to look a it.  It'll remind you that I'm the real winner here," he walked away from sight.
I tossed the mirror aside and curled up in a ball with my head in my knees, "Irene why does this always happen to us?! They're all in danger, I should've told them about the effects returning to me!"

Garroth POV

I woke up with the sun hitting my face.  I stretched and looked at Zane's bed.  Empty.
"That's weird, usually he sleeps in more.  Oh yeah! He went to bed early last night," I got out of bed and went to the kitchen.
Lucinda and Kim were already making breakfast.
"You're up early Lucinda," I went to the coffee maker and fixed myself up.
"I had an unsettling feeling all night and couldn't sleep," she yawned.
"Speaking of unsettling, where's Zane?" I sat down at the table.
"Did you just call him unsettling? Well no, we haven't seen him all morning," Kim set a plate in front of me with french toast on it and started eating from her plate.
"He wasn't in your room?" Lucinda looked puzzled.
"No, I thought he would be in here since he skipped dinner last night.  Maybe he's in the bathroom?" I got a little paranoid.
"Relax Garroth, I'm sure he's around on the ship somewhere," Kim reassured me.
After breakfast the three of us checked around the boat but saw no sign of him besides his phone.
"Would he be outside?" Kim asked.
Lucinda and I shook our heads.
Zane hates going outside just for the sake of it.  If he could, Zane would stay inside forever without having to see the sun.  I swear he's like a vampire that feeds off cupcakes and shares way to much sarcasm.
"Would he be hanging out with Kawaii~Chan?" Lucinda asked.
"I doubt it, Kawaii~Chan sleeps in until the afternoon usually," Kim sighed.
"HOW COULD YOU LOSE MY ZANE?!" Ghost shouted.
Lucinda and I covered our ears and looked at Ghost.
"Maybe you could help us find him instead of waking everyone up!" I raised my voice.
"I'm a ghost, not a witch.  But I will do anything for Zane!" She lowered her voice.
"Wait! That's it! Lucinda can you use that spell where we could see Zane's footprints like back at the lodge?!" I hoped.
"I'm afraid not Garroth, Kim and I have been up for a few hours, it's to late for that spell," Lucinda sighed.


"Everything has gone according to plan Zach," I called him on the phone.
"And by that you mean?" Zach grew suspicious of me.
"I got one of the people from the lodge.  Zane, his forever potion effects haven't completely subsided and drifts in and out of my control," I smirked.
There was a long pause from his side, "You don't mean Zane Ro'Meave do you?"
"If you mean the emo kid with black hair, then yes," I hoped that it was a good thing that a captured him.
"Maybe you're not an entire idiot after all," he mumbled, "I think we've won this battle kid.  Just wait till we see Garte's expression."

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