Sex offender at the airport

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I Painfully made my way to security. Yes, Painfully! I hate going through airplane security, it's just so weird. Like you never know if the guy is like some type of pervert and he got that job cause he loves looking at girls bodys. Ew! just thinking of that gives me the chills.

"Next!" The man at the desk called. I walked up and handed the man my boarding pass.

"Name?" He asked.

"Juliet Summers" I answered proudly.



"Okay you may go" The man said ushering me to the security gate. I took a deep breath and started the long process of taking off my shoes and jewelry. As I took off my shoes I noticed that the man doing security looked exactly like a child molester. Like NO joke he had those creepy perverted glasses on and he had a mustache. I think I started hyperventilating cause people were giving me weird looks. I tried to calm myself down, but each step closer I felt like I was going to get raped. I started backing up instead of going forward.

"Hey" I felt a hand move to my back "you okay?" I turned around to see a boy about 18 or so, he had shaggy brown hair, that fell over his deep golden eyes. With the hand that wasn't on my back he brushed some of the hair that had fell into his eyes. Thank god! if he hadn't done it I surely would have done it out of reflex, and boy would that have been embarrassing. I nodded my head almost forgetting about how close I was to getting to the 'sex offender'.

"You sure?" He questioned. I moved my head back and forth and then up and down. confusing myself and this newfangled stranger. "You sure Don't look okay." he said cocking his head to the side as if he was a puppy.

"No, ya I-I'm fine." I said walking forward, detaching his hand from my back.

"You just stuttered, your not okay." he said moving forward with me.

"No i assure you I am completely fine." I reassured him

"Damn, that guy in security looks awfully like a sex offender." The boy said, and then I noticed that I was next in line. I looked at the boy and then thats when I think it hit him.

"Oh that's why you were backing up." The boy said with an 'Now I get it' voice. I nodded

"Look, it's gonna be fine, he can't do anything to you, there are over a thousand people in this airport, and they do a full backround check on these guys before they hire them. This guy probably just got stuck with the bad looks thats all." he said and I nodded my head thinking that he was right.

"Next!" I heard the man shout, his voice even sounded like a child molester or a sex offender. I gulped, and made my way towards the security check. I looked back at the boy right before I went into the scanner. He gave me a thumbs up. I went into the scanner feeling as if the man was touching me and not looking for guns, or wepons.

"Alright your good." A lady said signaling for me to get out.

I waited for my shoes and other stuff to come out of the little scanner. Then I saw the boy coming out of the scanner. He looked as carefree as anybody could ever be. How can people do that just go through the scanner and not even acknowledge that a strange man is looking at your body. I shivered at the thought of that. the boy walked up to me.

"You good?" I nodded my head.

"Thanks." I said so quiet that I was sure he was the only one who could hear me.

"No problem lass." He said putting on his shoes. "See ya." he shoved his huge looking backpack onto his shoulder and left.

I slipped on my shoes and put on my earrings and necklace that my father had given me right before he passed. I had like an hour till I boarded and I really had to pee. I shuffled towards the bathroom and did my business. when I got out I washed my hands and looked at myself in the mirror. I had long brown wavy hair that people always complemented me on, but to be honest I kinda hated it. It never cooperated with me and it was always so greasy no matter how many times I washed it. I had that slim figure, that all girls wanted to have, but to be honest I wish I had a little more meat on my bones, people always thought I was anorexic. I stared head on with my deep ocean blue orbs. That are my eyes. And if you looked deep enough you could see the fright, an pain in them. That I hoped didn't show. Currently I was wearing gray sweats and a coca cola sweatshirt. Slung over my back was a denim jean backpack. My hair was in a high,messy ponytail, so really I wasn't looking my best. But who cares, I probably won't see any one of these people ever again. Done judging myself in the mirror, I washed my hands and made my way towards Jamba Juice.

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