Not the correct ending

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Hey, I just wanted to say before I tell you how I feel about this thing I'm writing that I am sorry for letting you down on anyway possible.

Hey guys, you might be confused on why that name for this chapter is, "Not the correct ending"
Well it's because I don't want to continue this anymore. I have fallen into a pit of writer's block for a long while now and I just can't get it back anymore. I don't why but I just can't continue a story like this anymore. I feel like I have no control over what happens to my own story anymore. I want to continue I really do just, I can't do it in this form, aka an x reader. I just have no ideas and I'm just depending on Jess/Aphmau to continue with the story line of Mystreet.
  I'm sorry but I don't want to write that way. No offense to anyone who does.
I'm still going to keep this up as an option just not continue to write on it any longer. I hoped that you have enjoyed this while you did, because I sure did!
I love you guys, bye💜

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I'm going to continue writing just this time with my take on a the story line and how I would have wanted to write it. I'm going to be posting a new story with a Character Oc I have made within the Mystreet universe.
Stayed tuned for that 👋🏼

Garroth x reader MyStreet/Starlight/PDHWhere stories live. Discover now