Gar Gar

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Third person
After time flew by, (Y/N) was in college with Garroth and all his friends.
Aphmau and Aaron were practically dating but they didn't like calling it that seeing that Aphmau was still getting used to calling him her boyfriend.
Laurence, Dante, and Travis had their own meet ups at the old park they used to go to. Garroth would tag along here and there but, nothing too special.
(Y/N)'s brother graduated early and became part of the Air Forces later on in life. He settled down with a girl and had two kids, a boy and a girl.
Lucinda and Katelyn fought like they did in high school, but soon grew out of it and became the best of friends.
She started dating this guy named Ivan. He's kind of questionable but he's ok, for now.
Kawaii~chan came out to her friends that she was a lesbian, and so did Katelyn. Soon they started dating and became the cutest couple.
Zane finally hit puberty in high school and everyone was intimidated by him. He got taller, and his voice got lower by like a lot.
Gene, Ivy, Sasha, Zenix, and Teony went to different colleges so they kinda drifted away.
Nicole went to a different college because her dad found a job in Seattle. Her mom went off to do her own thing.
It was the third year of college. It was near the summer. So pretty much the LAST AND FINAL year of hell. Well to (Y/N) at least. Everyone else, surprisingly, wanted to stay. But they have one more year, which (Y/N) wasn't too happy about.
"Garroth? Garroth!, where can he be?"
You and Garrith were gonna meet at Phoenix Park
You walked around until you found him, sitting on one of the park benches.
"Garroth, there you are!" You slapped your hands on your thighs and gave him a goofy smile. He chuckled in reply, and got up and gave you a hug.
"Hey sweets" he kissed your cheek, holding the other in his hand.
You blushed and his your face I your scarf
"S-sweets?" You asked
He blushed a light shade of pink and started playing with his thumbs
"Well y-yeah, I thought it would be a cute nickname"
He said looking down at his feet, raising his eyes a bit to your face
"It's ok, I like it" you smiled up at him
He lifted his head up in full confidence
"Good, cause I like it too"
He wrapped an arm around your waist, and both of you started walking
It was snowing
The hills were covered in a white blanket
Icicles hung off the trees, as small drops of water slid of the leaves onto the cold, icy ground
The flowers were trampled in it, but a few more stuck out, still blossoming
Animals were hard to see but, they were there.
Squirrels, raccoons, and other animals were buried underneath the hallow pars of trees.
Snow was falling from the sky, covering the tops of peoples' heads as they walked by.
Garroth and I were walking, side by side. Some snow got in his hair. I brushed it off but kept a little because it looked cute.
His cheeks and nose were red from the cold air
"Garroth, you ok? You don't look to hot"
"Hey, I'm always hot" he smirked
I giggled
"No I mean, you look sick. You sure your ok?"
"Yeah I'm-I'm-achoo!" He sneezed
"Gar, you sure?" I stopped, and raised an eyebrow at him
"Yeah, yeah I'm-I'm-achoo!" He sneezed again
Worried I took inside one of the campus lobby's and sat him on the couch. I went, and got him some top ramen in s bowl. He took it and ate some of it before he got nauseous
"Aw, my poor Gar Gar" I cooed at him
He smiled which was interrupted by a cough
This is going to be a loooong week

Hey! Long time no see! Well, hope  you enjoyed this short chappy! And also, sorry for time skip but yeah. See ya next time! :3

Garroth x reader MyStreet/Starlight/PDHحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن