Deception & Delusions.

Start from the beginning

"Hey! I'm not a bodyguard!" Adrian pointed out, getting out of character.

Lucie grinned. "Yes, you are."

Space and Time Continuum,
Time Traveling Ship
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Sheamus threw his head back when he once again lost against Valentine. "I'll shuffle." He told the other man before getting ahold of the deck.

Valentine chuckled. "You'll still loose." He announced, grinning as he ran a hand on his bald head.

Sheamus' jaw clenched. "I did not step down from leading a flourishing entreprise to play lackeys for one of my less successful doppelgänger." He spoke bitterly as he handed out cards.

Valentine grinned and picked up the cards handed to him. "Peacocking much? Not that I would be against retrieving some power too, but, until we find a way to kill your daughter or your remorses, for good, we'll be stuck."

"Or..." Sheamus started.

"Or what?" Valentine asked.

"Or we could have a little chat with dear Khiron and make him understand that he needs to treat us as equals, associates, not subordinates."

Valentine rose an eyebrow, interested. "How would we do that?"

Sheamus smirked. "All we gotta do is remind him of who we are."

Valentine snickered a little. "And how, exactly, would we do that when we're stuck into a time vortex?"

"See, that's where you're wrong..." Sheamus said. "We're passively waiting for him to come back. But," He rose an index in the air. "this, is a time travelling vessel. We, can go, wherever we want to go."

"You are..." Valentine grinned. "just, like, me." He ran his tongue on his upper teeth. "I like it. Let's do it."

2015 - Central City,
Alternative Past
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"Baaaaarrrryyyy...." Lucie moaned, burrying her face and squishing her nose against his shoulder as they waited in queue at CC Jitters.

Barry chuckled. "We're not going back to S.T.A.R Labs."

"But Barry..." Lucie whinnied. "Whatever you're doing in there, I'll keep it a secret I promise." She kept going, forehead still resting against his arm.

He sighed fondly. "Even if I wanted to go back, which I don't, but even if, Oliver would never allow it."

"Yeah, but Oliver's not my dad. And you're over 21, aren't you?" Lucie asked, defiantly.

Barry rolled his eyes. "Doesn't mean his approval isn't meaningful to me."

Lucie threw her head back, but gave up as they reached the front of the line.

"What can I get the two of you?" The waitress asked, a soft smile on her lips.

"I'll have a coffee, black, americano" Barry spoke.

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